Hunting Mule deer in SE Montana

Frank Thomas can fix the low T those bucks are experiencing.

This thing's gonna get worse before it gets a little bit better but won't ever fully recover due to shitty management in MT. Wyoming actually does the right thing most of the time. Hat tip to them.
The deer are going to enter this winter with poor body condition/health from poor nutrition all year. Winter mortality and fawn recruitment will suck, holding populations down for future years. Deer that have moved toward the rivers and private due to drought will stay in those areas with better feed and water for the foreseeable future, creating an extended period of crappy conditions for hunters. The state (MT) and private land outfitters will pull a Brandon and find a way to eff it up even more b/c that's what they do.

Happy hunting
The only thing likely to happen is they experience increases mortality this winter. Given even average conditions the population will respond quickly because there are way less mouths on the landscape, case in point the rebound after 2011.
I hunted SE Montana the last two years and saw plenty of bucks. Just not what I was looking for. (Mature mule deer buck) Also plenty of white tails down around the rivers. I think the guys that are able to afford to hunt the large ranches are probably killing it. Saw a 3 point mule deer in the back of a pickup truck in Forsyth that was amazing.
Hopefully heading to Montana this fall. Would be coming from Illinois. Any reason to drive past SE Montana to the Jordan/Fort Peck area instead. Hopefully will have a general deer tag. Thanks!
Did the recent storm bring in lots of precipitation? Seems like perfect timing to help out the mule deer a bit.
Hopefully heading to Montana this fall. Would be coming from Illinois. Any reason to drive past SE Montana to the Jordan/Fort Peck area instead. Hopefully will have a general deer tag. Thanks!

IMHO yes. SE Montana has a ton of public land but seems crawling with people from the midwest who stop there because it's a somewhat shorter drive. That is not a slam on midwest people, great to hang out with them after shooting light and if I lived there, I'd be doing the same thing.

Jordan/Ft Peck and other more isolated public land blocks just seems to have fewer people. As always, check the regs as there are areas with limited access permits and they often aren't marked.
My optimistic outlook tells me the EHD breakout in the whitetail population, a mild winter and some well timed spring moisture could help the remaining mule deer out and maybe get some decent quality. I know the overall mule deer population took a big hit last year with the drought and the hunting pressure and regulations aren’t doing the deer any favors. But, whatever oldish bucks remain should have a chance to make some good horns if they were healthy throughout the winter. Although I’m sure private ground will see the biggest improvement, if any. Hopefully we get some good feed for these deer to rebound and get healthy
Most of eastern MT should get rain this coming weekend. I see more younger bucks than mature bucks, but I see their genetic traits in their antlers that look like the mature bucks I have shot.
FYI, been talking with the bios and recruitment is not good. Doe:fawn ratios are at all time lows, and nearly every trend measured is showing a 60% decline from 2020. It would be worthwhile from a hunting and conservation perspective to think about somewhere else.
Well looks like it was a spring for the record books in montana this year. How is it looking out there?
Well how did the deer seem to end up this year? Do they look healthy, did the bucks grow decent racks?
It's ok. Got close to this guy but wasnt able to connect

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I hope everyone has a safe and fun hunt this year in my "adopted" second state. Just remember, it's okay to go home without a deer if it's really not the one you want. People taking "last day bucks" is what's gotten us to where we are, out of balance herds with poor age structure.

I have only filled 3 tags out of the last 8 trips. I understand it's your right to kill what you want to if legal, but things will never get better if we keep shooting young immature bucks to avoid going home empty-handed.
Hmmm, the state charging $800 or whatever for a tag kinda makes a fella more excited about bringing a forky home on that last day -but I get what you are saying 👍