The only thing likely to happen is they experience increases mortality this winter. Given even average conditions the population will respond quickly because there are way less mouths on the landscape, case in point the rebound after 2011.Frank Thomas can fix the low T those bucks are experiencing.
This thing's gonna get worse before it gets a little bit better but won't ever fully recover due to shitty management in MT. Wyoming actually does the right thing most of the time. Hat tip to them.
The deer are going to enter this winter with poor body condition/health from poor nutrition all year. Winter mortality and fawn recruitment will suck, holding populations down for future years. Deer that have moved toward the rivers and private due to drought will stay in those areas with better feed and water for the foreseeable future, creating an extended period of crappy conditions for hunters. The state (MT) and private land outfitters will pull a Brandon and find a way to eff it up even more b/c that's what they do.
Happy hunting