How’s your fuel prices

Increasing the M1 by 400% in 6 months is the textbook definition of inflation.

Suspending future oil production may have some effect, but lets put current production into context. Nov 2021 the US produced 11.8 million barrels per day while consuming over 20 million per day. This is a demand problem.

Certainly, sanctions on the wealthiest oil producers hurts our prices as well.
Cut non -North America importation 100%, lighten back costly and unrealistic EPA mandates, and the private sectors will lower prices via output and easier refined sweet crude.

Our off shore production is by far our most competitive world wide in relation to expenses.

The amount of NG that gets flared is staggering.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t be 100% energy independent and influencing oil prices works wide. The fact we aren’t is a major national security threat, we need to stop trying to buy the influence in other countries by their oil sales to US.
$3.07 at the Wal mart I fuel up at - Mason, WV
3.39 10 miles down the road.
Was up at my parent this past weekend, Akron, Ohio $3.15
Fuel prices are depressing. $84 to fill up my work truck once a week. And its going up..... how am I supposed to scout my secret spots if I have to carpool and make my buddies chip in for gas.!?!?
$1.55/ litre up here in Alberta, about 4.75 US per gallon after exchange rate. Big jump in the last couple of weeks and I’ve heard it’s way worse in other parts. It physically hurts to fill up the truck now.
We were floating around $3.30-3.39 for the last couple weeks in most stations. Over the weekend jumped to $3.60-$3.69 Central MN.
