Pretty blah...nothing great for me. My family did a bit better.
Montana OTC NR general deer, will hunt with my Dad, Brother, and 2 nephews who live there. Youngest nephew got a deer b in our family hunting area.
Wyoming second choice pronghorn, 2 doe pronghorn (going in the trash), second choice whitetail, first choice cow tag, 3rd choice cow tag, general elk, deer, bear, lion, and turkey. My wife drew a great pronghorn tag, 2 doe tags (going in the trash), general elk, general deer.
My NR father drew a good pronghorn tag. My NR nephew drew an awesome WY bull permit with no points and 100% draw odds.
Have a high school buddy, his brother, and 2 cousins showing up with 7 elk tags, another NR group of friends with 3 cow tags, and another NR friend with a general elk tag.
Will be heading north in about 6 weeks with my Dad, Brother, and 3 friends to pound on the saltwater fish on our annual trip to AK.
Also will be hunting a friends place in Illinois for deer (buck and doe).
Will draw a Javelina with a friend from WY and a couple friends from AZ.
Only State draws I have left are AZ coues/Rocky Mountain bighorn for myself, nephews, and wife. Will apply for Texas yet. Plus a bunch of super tag stuff as well (MT, WY, etc.).
Just applied for 3 more WY pronghorn tags, that probably won't get filled either, except the second buck tag if I get time.
Pretty ho-hum...