How's your 2021 application season going?

Pulled a New Mexico rifle pronghorn tag that had a 2% chance then found out this morning I got my Nevada early rifle cow elk tag with 2 points, only had a 14% chance to draw according to toprut. So I'm doing pretty good so far this year and got a busy hunting season ahead. I'm looking forward to it though.

Anybody else getting good results so far?
I’m a NM resident - lifelong. Never drawn Pronghorn. No elk in 10 years. 2 deer in 5 years. Guess where i am NOT spending my money anymore. NMGF are crooks.
No tags here in my home state of NM. No tags in Arizona, Nevada, Utah. Hopefully CO throws me a deer tag next week.
I went OTC in CO last year and already have this year’s planned that way for the exact sane reason… Santa Fe sucks
So far:

Drew mountain goat on Kodiak and that is it.

For AZ, I’ll likely only draw Coues and nothing else. Thankfully there’s OTC bear to help keep me occupied.

At this rate I’m going to have to buy a hunt or spend more time killing coyotes.
Drew 1 tag in Utah with some point building in progress. Still waiting on Wyoming Resident draws later this month. I'm being cautiously optimistic though!
Drew a great Wyoming mule deer tag in the random and a South Dakota cow elk tag in the left over draw.

Swear to all that is holy I am buying a lottery ticket.
Thought for sure I would draw my pronghorn tag this year. No luck. Now there are 2 tags showing on the secondary draw list. Guess a couple folks forgot to pay for their tag or something
Excellent so far!! Got a general buck hunt in Utah and expect to draw a premium rut deer hunt in Idaho soon.
Pretty blah...nothing great for me. My family did a bit better.

Montana OTC NR general deer, will hunt with my Dad, Brother, and 2 nephews who live there. Youngest nephew got a deer b in our family hunting area.

Wyoming second choice pronghorn, 2 doe pronghorn (going in the trash), second choice whitetail, first choice cow tag, 3rd choice cow tag, general elk, deer, bear, lion, and turkey. My wife drew a great pronghorn tag, 2 doe tags (going in the trash), general elk, general deer.

My NR father drew a good pronghorn tag. My NR nephew drew an awesome WY bull permit with no points and 100% draw odds.

Have a high school buddy, his brother, and 2 cousins showing up with 7 elk tags, another NR group of friends with 3 cow tags, and another NR friend with a general elk tag.

Will be heading north in about 6 weeks with my Dad, Brother, and 3 friends to pound on the saltwater fish on our annual trip to AK.

Also will be hunting a friends place in Illinois for deer (buck and doe).

Will draw a Javelina with a friend from WY and a couple friends from AZ.

Only State draws I have left are AZ coues/Rocky Mountain bighorn for myself, nephews, and wife. Will apply for Texas yet. Plus a bunch of super tag stuff as well (MT, WY, etc.).

Just applied for 3 more WY pronghorn tags, that probably won't get filled either, except the second buck tag if I get time.

Pretty ho-hum...