How's your 2021 application season going?

Drew -
UT ML General Deer in Zion
WY LE Elk w/ No points......drew the one random in the Special Draw (5%). What’s crazy, my brother drew the one random in Regular (3%)

Brother was real winner.....he’s a lucky dude:
UT ML General Deer in Zion
NV Ruby Mouintains mule deer - late
NM Oryx
NM 2B late mule deer
Whoa...looks like both of you are going to have a great season. All those tags are excellent.
AZ early archery elk
Az otc deer
Applied for 2 long shots for az rifle/muzzleloader deer
Probably pick up a leftover muzzy coues
Points in Co due to the elk I already drew
1-25 so far with 10 draws left.

Pulled a MT combo tag and LE elk permit (but both were sort of a lock with points)

Have 2 deer and 2 lope draws left that are basically 50/50 propositions 🤞
Nothing so far. And likely won't change. Building a house so swung for the fences on most applications. There was a couple I thought I had a good chance at though and struck out on those as well. Dad drew an off range oryx tag though so hopefully will still get out

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SD Spring Turkey
SD Paddlefish
SD Archery Deer X2 is a given

SD Elk, Deer and WY Deer upcoming. Odds for an elk tag are very low as are WY deer. SD deer not much better. Could be epic or a goose egg. The coyotes are really hoping we draw deer tags because if we don't they will be our primary target.

So sad. No elk tags. 😐
Drew Montana big game combo. Still need to apply to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Arizona remaining draws.

Unsuccessful: Colorado all 7 species, New Mexico elk and pronghorn.

Unknown: ND sheep, WA goat & moose. Couple other sheep/goat raffles.
Matching 4th season tags in CO for deer and elk for myself. Just applied in CA today and hopefully come mid June I’m sitting at zero points for something out here when results come out.