How's the big game draw going?


Jul 22, 2022
Has anyone drew any limited or special tags? Any big point burns? Any sheep tags? Are you broke yet?

As is every year, I have fronted more money to the western states than I am comfortable saying and have a pile of unsucessful notices. Nothing but pain on my end.

But my Utah Paunsaugunt Mule Deer dream hunt is still alive. Some day...
I don't think I have had to wait this long to draw a tag in the last 7 years. Partly because some of the dates have changed and I went 5 years in a row drawing a tag in NM. But currently have 0 tags in my pocket. I will get a Kansas deer tag for sure (3 points) and hopefully a mule deer add-on to that. Hopefully something (deer or pronghorn) in Colorado, never expect anything in Utah or Nevada (always a hope for a random tag though). There's some decent WY deer tags I could probably get, good chances in South Dakota, MT pronghorn, its just waiting out the draws that are out now and seeing what falls into place.
Looks like I'll be in the same boat as the OP. Two more chances but the odds are long. My buddy drew a good NM archery tag so I'll tag along with him. That'll be fun!
Better than it closing two months ago and you would still be waiting.
True. Not that there was much time for them to push the draw later, but I’m glad they didn’t keep the 3 month wait between putting in and getting results!
True. Not that there was much time for them to push the draw later, but I’m glad they didn’t keep the 3 month wait between putting in and getting results!
I like that I have a good idea of what I am putting in for before you have to put it.
Burnt some points last year and had a really fun hunt. . . This year I'm about a 95% lock on the cow tag I put in for. So stress has been minimal!

But next year I'll be back in the saddle with more apps and checking the calendar/CC to see if anythings hit!
Tough game we play. I should get a decent antelope tag for Colorado. I saw an ~78-80" buck last year with a doe tag on hand, so I want to chase that bastard around the countryside this season. It will take 3 points, but points were made to be burnt.
Tough game we play. I should get a decent antelope tag for Colorado. I saw an ~78-80" buck last year with a doe tag on hand, so I want to chase that bastard around the countryside this season. It will take 3 points, but points were made to be burnt.
how did your antelope hunt go?
I like that I have a good idea of what I am putting in for before you have to put it.
Good point, especially with the possibility of such different tag allocations this year. Most LE elk tags are increased, but some seasons moved around, and a lot of people seems to think the deer tags would be cut way back from the rough winter. Nice to have at least the recommended numbers available.
how did your antelope hunt go?
It was frustraiting but fun at the same time. I had plenty of shots on solo bucks I was bumping into, but does were elusive and in large groups. I ended up filling my doe tag on the second to last day of the season. Here is a post of that hunt when I ran into the large buck, complete with pictures. I am hopeful I will add to that post with that buck down to complete the story...
Wyo. sheep, moose, goat and bison draw is complete. Anyone get lucky?
Nope, did not draw sheep (ewe and ram), goat and bison. Antelope, deer and elk TBD. I cant wait to get that money back, WY maybe my most expensive draw.