How's the big game draw going?

But my Utah Paunsaugunt Mule Deer dream hunt is still alive. Some day...
I Finally decided to dump my 21 deer points, should be a lock for the pauns archery 😬. I hate high point tags lmao but deer will be plentiful. Killing a good one with a pointy stick will be the tricky part
Plans changed and I pulled my wyoming elk application today, I probably won't pull any tags this year besides the old otc units I always hunt. Unless a miracle happens in the Utah or Nevada draw.
I Finally decided to dump my 21 deer points, should be a lock for the pauns archery 😬. I hate high point tags lmao but deer will be plentiful. Killing a good one with a pointy stick will be the tricky part
One of the reasons I bought a bow was to be able to hunt the paunsigaunt in my lifetime. I started collecting points late in life.

21 points is a good burn. Rest assured it is a great area to burn them on. Good Luck!!!
Nothing from AZ, and didn't buy anything in Idaho. Drew MT deer elk combo but didnt apply for special hunts, so Ill be hunting general seasons. Still waiting on MT antelope, ID sheep and WA everything. Though WA sucks so I chose points on everything except sheep and moose
Nothing from AZ, and didn't buy anything in Idaho. Drew MT deer elk combo but didnt apply for special hunts, so Ill be hunting general seasons. Still waiting on MT antelope, ID sheep and WA everything. Though WA sucks so I chose points on everything except sheep and moose
Good luck on Idaho sheep. Best non-resident odds around. A bit expensive and forfiet all other elk, deer, antelope draws, but I think it is worth it. I applied for Idaho RM sheep as well.
Decided to cash out on Utah elk. Been chasing for a long long time. Too many bad things are happening there in addition to the ever present stealing of NR tags by SFW. Buddy was right on the edge of a unit he’s wanted to hunt so I put in as partner to bump him up a few points. Looking forward to it.
Applied for every draw available and haven’t drawn a thing! Planning on burning deer and elk points in CO but we’ll see how the chips fall when the results come out.
Struck out on AZ & NM, drew limited elk & limited deer for MT, drew WY elk, waiting on UT, CO, NV. Shaping up to be a fun fall!