I’ve got the 16” 6Dasher mini home and ready for load development. Cleaned chamber and barrel, next up is getting action cleaned and degreased and an optic mounted properly.
I’ll go shoot and fire form enough virgin brass to start load development, and see what things look like before I bed the action.
Was hoping I’d have another few thousand 95TMK by now to kill this barrel with. Will probably save what I have for now and pick another bullet.
Gun looks to be around 7.5lbs all in with aluminum bottom metal, optic, suppressor, and an extra thick limb saver recoil pad I used to get some LOP. I was shooting to land between 7-7.5lbs.
I’m waiting on a hinged metal to get made up - this should save a couple ounces and make it a lot cleaner for the hunting I’ll do with it. Only 4 fit in the magazine anyway.
Has anyone broken down mini bolt completely and polished the cocking piece, cocking ramp, etc to improve heavy bolt lift after (dry) firing?
Anyone replaced the firing pin spring with a lighter one?
I lightly sanded the two surfaces without complete disassembly, brake cleaner several times to clean as well as possible and then greased everything. Cycled it a couple hundred times, cleaned and added a little valve compound to the cocking piece/ramp, then cycled another hundred. Cleaned everything up then a little more grease. Doesn’t seem to be much different.
I’ll keep cycling it and hope for improvement. That spring sure seems like it’s way oversprung.
I’ll start a separate thread on the Dasher setup, but a little taste:
Varget, brass fire formed in another gun chambered by same reamer, 16” barrel:
87Vmax, 35gr - 2965 fps
95TMK, 34gr - 2815 fps
105 HPBT, 32.5gr - 2700 fps
I haven’t found a single post about anyone using Lever in a dasher, if I can’t get Varget to do what I want I may go chase a little more speed. Goal was 2800 with the 95’s, so may not need to press on the gas.