Thanks, your support means a lot. These are definitely niche items, compared to the broader market. But, LS Wild is into the smaller niches. We really like to do cool things and new things. It means we don't have much competition. Also means we have to educate a lot of people.Pre-sale to help with purchasing things?
I don't even have my stock yet or scope, but I'd would be all over getting a bigger mag capt.
But, yes, I will do a presale just to kick off the sale and make a deal for Roksliders, but I don't like relying on it. The last thing we want to do is make promises and then have something fall through. That sucks for people like you, and all it takes is a couple things to go wrong and all of a sudden is a giant catastrophe.
Look at the Rokstock, and you know they had every intention of making good. It is actually much harder than people would make out to do this.
I've thought I had things worked out with manufacturers, but the tiny detail can be slow to resolve when both LS and the supplier have other work that pays the bills...