How to Tell If Meat Spoiled



Mar 31, 2017
So after further examination, I think the majority of the meat is good but I did find one definitely bad spot - just down the leg from the ball joint on the hind quarter. More of it might be bad once you cut into it and get closer to the bone.

Another spot on the backstrap that I examined smells a little funny, but not bad. Maybe that is how it's supposed to smell; I don't know, I don't make habit of giving my kills the Biden treatment very often.

Given the newborn and the days I have remaining in my parental leave, I'm just going to donate the meat to the hunters for hunger program. I'll tell them what happened and give them a heads up and let the professional butchers handle it. The salvageable meat will be eaten very quickly and not given a chance to go bad in my freezer over a year. I don't want to spend my parental leave sniffing elk.

My plan in shooting the elk was to quickly debone it and throw it in the freezer to process later. I don't really want to do that with the potential of it being bad.

OK, I lied. The real reason I'm donating it is that my farting problem is making this process much more difficult than it should be - everything smells terrible.

Thank you for the input. Hopefully I don't need to reference this thread again.
Sep 28, 2018
I seen 1 elk with bone sour I've heard it called.yellowish fluid in the femur sockets ,under Backstrap and in neck as mentioned earlier and an unpleasant odor.
This is where it starts and turns fresh grass green soon thereafter

Even if green sets in, you can cut around it