How rare is a 200 inch mule deer

We all have our opinions = one that is not as popular w some I have is any buck killed with a guide, rifle, a gov tag, bought coordinates, or on private does not count in my book. Any one of us could buy a 200er tomorrow or pop a tame townie…

But how far do you take the "private" thing? The non-typical I posted was on "private" by about 100-200 yards every day we saw him. I can guarantee that he didn't live on that ranch full-time, but was up in the mountains on public land the majority of the year. When we saw him, he was bedding in some junipers overlooking a field where his 30+ does spent their day eating. He was only on private land because it was the rut and he had hot does eating in that field.
But how far do you take the "private" thing? The non-typical I posted was on "private" by about 100-200 yards every day we saw him. I can guarantee that he didn't live on that ranch full-time, but was up in the mountains on public land the majority of the year. When we saw him, he was bedding in some junipers overlooking a field where his 30+ does spent their day eating. He was only on private land because it was the rut and he had hot does eating in that field.

What are you some kind of rookie??? If I have access then that private is PERFECTLY LEGIT... If I dont then its not fair chase and probably should be illegal.

Ask T/U a 1-200 yard post sunset drag can happen very quickly, it gets even quicker if you hear a tractor coming your way...
What are you some kind of rookie??? If I have access then that private is PERFECTLY LEGIT... If I dont then its not fair chase and probably should be illegal.

Ask T/U a 1-200 yard post sunset drag can happen very quickly, it gets even quicker if you hear a tractor coming your way...
I'm responding to the "if the deer's on private it doesn't count" remark. Forgive my ignorance, but who's T/U?
I'm responding to the "if the deer's on private it doesn't count" remark. Forgive my ignorance, but who's T/U?
I know I was making a joke based upon peoples differing perspective on legitimacy based on their personal ability or inability to access said private... never mind!

T/U rhymes with "times up" and got caught blasting big deer on the wrong side of fenceposts here locally. It is a forbidden subject good for 30 lashes if put into uncoded print.
Judging by all the guys that kill supposed 200” deer they must be behind every tree. But in reality 200” deer are really

Big difference between a deer that a guy thinks scores 200” and a legit officially scored 200” deer
Occasionally see some nice ones on all the private in your neck of the woods but even with that I’ve only seen one that made me even think he could be approaching 200. Very rare indeed.
But how far do you take the "private" thing? The non-typical I posted was on "private" by about 100-200 yards every day we saw him. I can guarantee that he didn't live on that ranch full-time, but was up in the mountains on public land the majority of the year. When we saw him, he was bedding in some junipers overlooking a field where his 30+ does spent their day eating. He was only on private land because it was the rut and he had hot does eating in that field.

Man my point is that if you take away the bucks killed by paid for coordinates, guided, townies, or killed on private land well that is upwards of 90% of golden bucks.. The ranch's we used to hunt when I was young are big 10,000 ac here 4000 there but the pressure was extremely limited and its not fair to say that it is even the same game as hunting public. Most of that land is houses now, Anchutz family bought one, and the last one the family guides on now.. The ranches are in where the biggest bucks in Colo are currently coming from or no secret around eagle, aspen, carbondale.... My singular opinion is that the bucks myself and my family killed on those ranches don't really count the same as public land bucks..

I can't wait to look for that 1:500 this year @ColoradoV

Damn right! So far a mellow winter.. If I were w betting man I am putting my money on 2:500 and we get em both!! All joking aside the last of the glory years IMO was 8 years ago or 2016 when my friends and I killed 4 bucks = 3 over 200" and the last one was a 32" wide typical that went 192".. Fair to say since then the landscape has changed or is not even the same in Colo for deer... This year out of the same guys 3 ate tags and Foldem got it done on a great 31.5" wide stud!! Congrats again man that was just a fun part of that hunt!!

Thinking back I had a thing or just loved that 192" from 016 man he was just a cool buck and would have traded my 203" buck in my avatar - I killed that year for him any day of the week and lord I tried but was super stoked the way it worked out. The pic from when we pack him out.

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Pffft 200"er they're behind every tree, we got 180" forked horns running around all over in Colorado. I'd stay in bed over a 200" mule deer, call me when they get to 300" hahahahaha
"Very few hunters will ever harvest a deer that will make the Boone and Crocket record book (Warren 1988). Less than 100 Utah bucks have been entered into the record. Only about one out of every 56,000 bucks harvested in Utah are large enough."

That quote is from Dennis Austin's book: "Mule Deer: A Handbook for Utah Hunters and Landowners". The book is a little dated but I thought that was interesting statistic. It's not totally applicable to this discussion because there's a lot of deer that could make B&C but don't get entered and quite a few "trash factor" bucks that gross over 200" but can't make it as a non-typical and have too many deductions to make it as typical. I think the 1:500 is pretty accurate from my experience.

That book is an interesting read on mule deer and mule deer management. Here's a link to to the book on Amazon:

You can get a free PDF of the book here:
I don’t judge other opinions on how big bucks are as I like talking as well as seeing pics of mulies…. Got to say lots of great bucks listed here!!

We all have our opinions = one that is not as popular w some I have is any buck killed with a guide, rifle, a gov tag, bought coordinates, or on private does not count in my book. Any one of us could buy a 200er tomorrow or pop a tame townie…

That’s why this private land “golden” buck does not count..

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Or my point is - take away the above bucks and a 200er is almost a damn unicorn.. Golden some might say. So rare today that there are only a handful of guys who honestly put in the work on public, eat the tags necessary, have the discipline, and flat out will not settle for a smaller buck.

Some good points in here yea a 200” typical is big.. So big they don’t look real. My lifetime hunting goal is a 200” typical w a 30” inside spread taken solo w a bow. Still working on that but been real close…

I took these pics on July 18 = he grew out quite a bit before the opener. Some would say golden..

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Agreed most times it takes extras to get them there.. But giant g2’s don’t hurt. As even w a 14” inside spread it can get em there..

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Other times mass pushes them over the golden mark..

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If I had to bet this year it will be 1:500 or more to find one pretty much anywhere in Colo other than behind some old guys barn…
Shooting one with a rifle doesn't count?

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I think it depends on the state. MT I feel confident in my comparison. ID, WY, CO and others may be different.
I know more guys that have killed 400 inch bulls in MT, and for that matter 370 plus. They’re hardcore. I think there are more mature bulls than bucks in MT, and the data backs that up.

Last season a monster non-typical was killed where I hunt mulies. I haven’t heard his score yet, and have been told I can’t share the pic. He’s way over 200, and I hope he wasn’t just passing through. He damn well better have shared his genetics. My bro and I are headed back this year.

I saw one 200 class non-typical 30 years ago, and shot right over his back in a panic. 16 and filled with adrenaline doesn’t work for marksmanship. I would believe he was that big unless I had my experienced hunting partner with me back then.

I’ve never seen a 400 class bull hunting though… Maybe this comes down to my hunting skills… 😝
From September 2016 through November 2023 I've spent roughly 3 full weeks each fall looking for mule deer in WA, ID, and MT. That's a total of 24 weeks, or 6 months, of IN-SEASON, boots on the ground hunting.

In that time I've seen 2 deer that were 200" or better without a doubt, 1 in WA, 1 in Idaho, and another 2 in the 190" range, 1 in WA, 1 in MT.

That's it.

They are super rare in the upper PNW for sure.
I know more guys that have killed 400 inch bulls in MT, and for that matter 370 plus. They’re hardcore. I think there are more mature bulls than bucks in MT, and the data backs that up.

Last season a monster non-typical was killed where I hunt mulies. I haven’t heard his score yet, and have been told I can’t share the pic. He’s way over 200, and I hope he wasn’t just passing through. He damn well better have shared his genetics. My bro and I are headed back this year.

I saw one 200 class non-typical 30 years ago, and shot right over his back in a panic. 16 and filled with adrenaline doesn’t work for marksmanship. I would believe he was that big unless I had my experienced hunting partner with me back then.

I’ve never seen a 400 class bull hunting though… Maybe this comes down to my hunting skills… 😝
That was my point and I agree. I have seen 1 buck that I know for certain was over 200" in the field. I have seen one typical that I believe to be 190+ and some bucks that have been in the 180's. I used to be confident that I could hunt a 170" ish or bigger buck every year, but with the droughts and subsequent population declines in the last 3-4 years that has changed. In MT there just isn't the habitat (some areas still have it) or age class to get really big bucks these days.
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Think I’ve only seen 3 200+ in my lifetime. The first one killed by my brother in a premium unit a few years back and was probably the biggest deer in the unit. Forgive my crude attempt to redact his face. The second was this bruiser that we saw during the season 3 days in a row safely on private property several years ago. We watched and waited for him to step onto public, but it, unfortunately, never happened. The next week, someone who only saw our pics, sold the deer’s location to an outfitter for the statewide tag holder, a deal was worked out with the landowner and the buck got whacked. No pics of the other one, who’s long dead by now, but hopefully his genes are still running around.View attachment 673672

Got any more pics of that first buck? I'm not seeing anywhere close to 2 hundo but it's a tough angle to judge from