How rare is a 200 inch mule deer


Jun 5, 2018
Think I’ve only seen 3 200+ in my lifetime. The first one killed by my brother in a premium unit a few years back and was probably the biggest deer in the unit. Forgive my crude attempt to redact his face. The second was this bruiser that we saw during the season 3 days in a row safely on private property several years ago. We watched and waited for him to step onto public, but it, unfortunately, never happened. The next week, someone who only saw our pics, sold the deer’s location to an outfitter for the statewide tag holder, a deal was worked out with the landowner and the buck got whacked. No pics of the other one, who’s long dead by now, but hopefully his genes are still running around.IMG_1578.jpeg


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Feb 8, 2024
Pocatello, Idaho
I am around a bunch of the “best” 😂 units in Colo and have 18-20 years of notes = where and when I see big bucks or bucks w potential and general numbers. Potential bucks I just don’t hunt and are 180”+ types shooters w wow factor are usually 200”+.

Looking back I average seeing between 300-400+ bucks a year w a couple years over that. This year I looked over 363 bucks.. Until 4-5 years ago I would see one 200” type buck for every 100-110 bucks looked over or a true 1%er. This year I only saw 1 buck summer scouting that was a wow buck.

Or it’s getting to be less and less every year in Colo at least. Again used to be I would see 1 200” type buck every 100 I looked at and now it is getting close to 400-1….

The one out of 400..

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That is a brute, and certainly is over the 200 mark. Thanks for sharing!


Feb 8, 2024
Pocatello, Idaho
I think there are still plenty of 200 inch mule deer in general seasons.

You just have to put a lot of time in finding one.
Depends on the State and other factors but in my neck of the woods I will have to disagree with you. 30-35 years ago yes. Now sadly, no. Especially after the brutal winter of 22-23.

That is a hell of a buck you posted. What State if you don't mind my asking?


May 25, 2017
@squirrel That wide buck in the snow! 😱
You mean this lil guy? He was incredible.1635F8B1-C66D-4C9E-AD87-2C9FDB34EDD0.jpegBut I wouldn't bet my best dog that he nets 200 typpy. As mentioned above it is a huge step from 200" to 200 TYPICAL... Most 200" deer are 180 " deer with extras. Pics are not required but very illustrative.

IMO none of the above would make 200" yet the below does even though he is smaller than the above.



Nov 22, 2023
Southern Colorado
I've never seen a 200" buck in the mountains but what do you think this buck would be? This was about 11 years ago in a local small town. Sorry they are older pictures but you can see in the back of the group photo is a much larger buck. I wish I could have gotten a better picture. I think that's him in the second picture by himself.FFC0A3FA-7C5E-467B-B96F-CE8CE26F3D0E_1_201_a.jpegD7ED773E-2A76-4D86-9213-F4A5AA7F3A96.jpeg


Jan 14, 2024
In 4 years of rifle hunting Colorado, I’ve seen three 200” bucks and killed 1 of them. Obviously not a general unit (there are none in CO), and none of them were in the winter range yet.
Is that the one in your profile? post up a pic! Thing looks like a tank!
Oct 10, 2018
I'm not seeing 200" in a lot of these pics...
In my 20 years of fascination with big mulies I have seen 4 or 5. One was a nontypical in town of Boulder in 2005, one on private land in September 2019 outside of Boulder. One I killed in mz season 2018. One in a western slope neighborhood in Sept 2015. One western slope early season scout trip last year... he dwarfed the other 12 or so bucks he was with (some of which I got repeated good looks at in subsequent weeks. One was 190ish I saw at 50 yards, another was 180 ish I saw about 5 times-closest at 60 yds. Two others were really nice 170 ish bucks). Used to shed hunt and look at bucks on winter range ALOT. Now most big bucks I see are late summer backpacking high country trips. I used to measure antlers alot. I'm very lucky to live where I do and get to travel a bit around the state to see big ones. Would love to go to Antelope island some day to drool... maybe pickup some Jimmy John's sandwiches for the trip!

218" in avatar and an OLD 200"+ I bought after seeing it sitting around in a backyard for a few weeks


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Muley Tag

Dec 8, 2023
Muley Mountains
They are an anomaly today. I live and frequent areas genetically known for producing large mule deer……so I’ve seen several over the years . I’ve also taken one…..officially measured.


Jul 12, 2023
I was thinking about my home town and the mounts on the walls of old guys with lifetimes of hunting on the walls - we are in a good deer area, not the best, so that makes a difference, but there are as many 375 elk as 200 point deer.


Nov 10, 2013
I don’t judge other opinions on how big bucks are as I like talking as well as seeing pics of mulies…. Got to say lots of great bucks listed here!!

We all have our opinions = one that is not as popular w some I have is any buck killed with a guide, rifle, a gov tag, bought coordinates, or on private does not count in my book. Any one of us could buy a 200er tomorrow or pop a tame townie…

That’s why this private land “golden” buck does not count..


Or my point is - take away the above bucks and a 200er is almost a damn unicorn.. Golden some might say. So rare today that there are only a handful of guys who honestly put in the work on public, eat the tags necessary, have the discipline, and flat out will not settle for a smaller buck.

Some good points in here yea a 200” typical is big.. So big they don’t look real. My lifetime hunting goal is a 200” typical w a 30” inside spread taken solo w a bow. Still working on that 😂 but been real close…

I took these pics on July 18 = he grew out quite a bit before the opener. Some would say golden..


Agreed most times it takes extras to get them there.. But giant g2’s don’t hurt. As even w a 14” inside spread it can get em there..


Other times mass pushes them over the golden mark..


If I had to bet this year it will be 1:500 or more to find one pretty much anywhere in Colo other than behind some old guys barn…
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Feb 25, 2012
Rocky Mountains
I don’t judge other opinions on how big bucks are as I like talking as well as seeing pics of mulies…. Got to say lots of great bucks listed here!!

We all have our opinions = one that is not as popular w some I have is any buck killed with a guide, rifle, a gov tag, bought coordinates, or on private does not count in my book. Any one of us could buy a 200er tomorrow or pop a tame townie…

That’s why this private land “golden” buck does not count..

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Or my point is - take away the above bucks and a 200er is almost a damn unicorn.. Golden some might say. So rare today that there are only a handful of guys who honestly put in the work on public, eat the tags necessary, have the discipline, and flat out will not settle for a smaller buck.

Some good points in here yea a 200” typical is big.. So big they don’t look real. My lifetime hunting goal is a 200” typical w a 30” inside spread taken solo w a bow. Still working on that 😂 but been real close…

I took these pics on July 18 = he grew out quite a bit before the opener. Some would say golden..

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Agreed most times it takes extras to get them there.. But giant g2’s don’t hurt. As even w a 14” inside spread it can get em there..

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Other times mass pushes them over the golden mark..

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If I had to bet this year it will be 1:500 or more to find one pretty much anywhere in Colo other than behind some old guys barn…
I can't wait to look for that 1:500 this year @ColoradoV


May 25, 2017
Great pics to show the many aspects of "adding" up to the magic 200" mark. Stickers and in-lines are the best/most common way but the least impressive to me. Mass is the greatest asset IMO but adds up the slowest. Those 200" typpies are the holy grail, and oh so elusive. A single broken point, 2 missing brows, so many ways to end up just a tad short. Somewhere I have a shot of a 217" standing right next to a 195" typpy, My bullet would miss the typpy every time, the only way that 217 is getting hit is with a wild bullet. I thought for the whole winter he was an over 200" typpy but his sheds made a liar out of my eyes.

I have 5 yrs worth of sheds of a beautiful typpy that was just almost there every year but he only broke 200" once cause of growing a 2" hooked sticker. Spooky deer too I never got a good pic of him. Part (a large part) of the reason people tend to inflate their bucks size (besides the obvious bragging ) is that you can spend a lot of time in very good country and never see a one, inevitably you re-calibrate your eyeball and you end up with rack inflation...