How much would I hate living in Southern California?

Funny story about La Jolla...

When I was down there, a dead sperm whale washed up on the beach and it stank the town to high heaven. With as snobby as the place is, I considered it payback. Anyway, they tried hooking a boat up to it but with the tides and the fact that the tail pulled off, it ended up being stuck there on the beach for weeks. They finally put up a $40,000 dollar reward to whoever could get rid of it. Some redneck with a chainsaw chopped up all of that rotten whale and hauled it off. They caught it on the news. One of the more hilarious things I have seen.

The town is so wealthy and snobby that your wife, I'm guessing, would probably feel very out of place - working there.

That has happened a couple times. iMO, you want snobby, go visit OC. Most folks in LJ are remarkably down to earth. Mellow, beach people.

There is a ton of bullshit in this thread. If you want the real deal instead of opinion from outsiders, ask a real local. There are nice people and there are assholes everywhere.

He also said SoCal, why are we talking about San jose?
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I don't know why we were talking about San Jose when he said his wife could get a job at La Jolla. Most of the people who have contributed to this thread were talking from experience. I wouldn't call it bullshit. Somehow it got off on a tangent about house prices in Silicon valley. Anyway, it really does come down to what a person makes of a place.
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SoCal is okay. lots to do. lots of people. but that kinda translates to more work in general. so it's a double edge sword. lots of people all packed together equals better job opps, which packs in more people..get it?

i love visiting down there. if i had to move, i would. weather rocks. pollution, not so good.

my dad told me: "i can live anywhere, i just need three things - a good job, good friends, and the love of a good woman"

i say approach it with an open mind. there are equal number of city folks freaked out about moving to a small town. happens everyday, i imagine.
oh, i forgot about the outdoors stuff. my SoCal friends are the hunting-est group i know. turkey, deer, hogs and all the small game. Couse deer is a short drive away in AZ. they all spear fish!! which they describe as bowhunting in the water. if you bowhunt, you can hunt A LOT!! a drive up the State puts you in ground zero for hogs. central cali is hog mecca. generous deer OTC tags for bowhunters. we get free run to 75% of the state. hunting starts in JULY!

i think what will kill you are the private schools. not so sure i would drop a kid into the public school system in some places.
I'm guilty of contributing to the baffoonery. Not sure how San Jose came into the conversation.

Truth be told, the diversity in California both demographically and geographically makes it impossible to sum it up in a thread. Let alone from someone that isn't even from here.

As others have suggested, take a long vacation here. It certainly isn't for everyone.
So Cal is where epic hunting adventure dreams go to die. I was stationed down there for 5 years in between tours to Iraq. It's a toss up on which area is more oppressive.

If money is the issue make sure you factor in double digit income tax, sales tax, high property tax, expensive car registration and forget about bringing any cool guns with you.

On a positive note you can buy hard alcohol at gas stations, that's good cause you'll need it!
So Cal is where epic hunting adventure dreams go to die.
Seriously? That's laughable. Some of the most hardcore and well respected hunters in this country come from SoCal. Most adventure hunting these days requires travel anyway. It doesn't matter where you live. I have hunting adventure dreams that are alive and well, and I live in so cal. There is more to SoCal than LA.
Seriously? That's laughable. Some of the most hardcore and well respected hunters in this country come from SoCal. Most adventure hunting these days requires travel anyway. It doesn't matter where you live. I have hunting adventure dreams that are alive and well, and I live in so cal. There is more to SoCal than LA.

Sounds like you have a complex, understandable living in that area.

The point was obviously about the geographic area of SoCal not the people. And it does matter where you live, when I look out the window or drive down the highway, wild lands full of opportunity are visible.

But maybe going to LAX is part of epic adventure down there.
I was stationed here approx 6 months ago and I am counting the days until I leave. Everything that concerns hunting cost a lot of money. Paid 91 dollars just to hunt ducks and geese. Not to mention their stupid firearms laws, high cost of living, ect. If I wanna hunt I fly back home to Nebraska. Stay away if you can.