How Much PTO Do You Have?

Well, I logged onto work this morning and I had received an email stating that I had maxed my PTO out and I couldnt help but to think of the elk I will hopefully be chasing with some of those days Lord willing. Then I though to myself what does everyone carry on a typical year? For me its 6.2 weeks before I start loosing the benefit, on a normal year it usually looks more like 4 weeks, I just havent been able to take many days off in the last year and a half due to the onslought of work.
Take your PTO your job will replace you when you die.
25 Days PTO and 11 Holidays every year. I use it all. Had a child this year and get 6 weeks of paternity leave too. Once I start my 11th year with the company I will bump up to 30 days of PTO. I feel like it is a good amount. Allows me to take a few weeks off and have other PTO time for those random days.
As much as I want, just have to work trades to pay back shifts, prior to becoming daddy day careI would hunt 20+ days in sept, rifle deer, and 40+ duck/pheasant days
Year 18 at my current job. Max carry is 337.5 hours. Just now burning off the 'excess' 2022 hours which was 12 days over max and has to be burned by mid-April. COVID did wonders for saving up hours and by working from home since March of 2020, I am able to get over 400 hours of hunting in because I am lucky enough to walk out the door and be seated in 10 minutes. 24 more days of vacation accumulating through December.
I work for a land management agency as a Forester.

I only get 100 hours of accrued vacation a year, but all overtime that is not attributed to fire suppression is earned as comp time, of which I am currently at 150 hours for the year with another 100 hours likely before August. I think I get 4 hours of sick time a month.

I work 4/10s and can flex my time, so 40 hours of leave gives me 10 days off.

My supervisor strongly encourages me to use all my PTO so we can swap hunting stories on office days, and we cannot carry over comp anyway so I have to use it.
I closely managed my vacation time and sick leave such that at retirement I got another year added on. It makes a differance. Now I take what I want and work when I want. Gives me something to do when I am snowed in. Vacation? Never ! I just have 100 differant jobs I work at until I don't want to.
23 years at my current company and unlimited PTO. Just take what I need to stay sane!
Same for me but it's new here. We are all trying to understand how it works and the rollout was noisy and disruptive. Obviously its not truly "unlimited" (have to get the work done) so I am tracking how much I use and plan to take the same amount I earned under the old accrual system (5 weeks).
If you encounter a max & use-it-or-lose-it situation and the workload won't allow for much time away, one tactic is to take off Fridays as needed.

I get 16 days per year and comp time. Either or both can be taken as salary payout if desired or if the workload doesn't allow for time away from the office.
The only time I use PTO is for Hunting Season. And occasionally to create a 3-day weekend here and there. So I keep mine hovering at our companies annual cap limit.

Because if you get let go for some reason, they HAVE to pay you that PTO time. So I look at it as potential bufferzone money that could save my behind some day.

The only time I'd ever gotten laid off... I had some company stock and sold that and it gave me some good bufferzone money to float with.... and then?...

Freakin' the 9/11 attack happened during the time of being laid-off! ALL the job boards for software stuff went empty!

I was searching like heck and damn near to being completely broke, was about to possibly accept an offer for a lesser gig, then reluctantly reached back out (dunno why I was soo reluctant, just didn't wanna feel like I was grovelling, but they were happy to have me back ) to former company (my current employer).

And occasionally I might use some PTO time to do something with my son during his off from school times. Like Summer.

But usually I keep it at 200hrs.

The ONLY time in my life I ever used all my racked up PTO... was when my son was born. It had to be C-section, so I knew Mama was gonna need help. Plus I relish all that time I had with my newborn son! I had to wait 38 loooong ol years for that to happen! Having all that time with him was among one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.
I think it's important to balance small hunts with big ones, keep from going crazy! If I just had 1-2 big hunts a year it wouldn't be enough.
No such 'official' PTO or comp time here. I get 5 weeks vacation and 3 personal days plus the main standard holidays. Can carry a week of vacation over each year.

My boss lives in another state, is awesome, we've been at it for 16 years together. He has stated "there is no such thing as comp time, but if you're going hunting and forget to come back after lunch on Friday, how am I going to know?" In the middle of projects I've donated a ton of weekends along with lots of 16, 18, 20 hour days, but having a boss that doesn't track anything like that makes it nice. I don't abuse it in anyway, but won't hesitate to get a head start on a 6 hour drive to go hunting on a Friday...
Unlimited PTO crew here. The "discretionary" PTO actually helps a lot compared to a limited PTO I used to have.

When I had a limit it was hard to take "selfish" PTO days away from the family, but with unlimited I can take long weekends and opening weekends without feeling like I am taking PTO from my family.

This is the first year we are doing unlimited PTO and they are paying back all the stuff I had accrued which was the max - so that will be a nice check in a couple weeks. :)