How much money after everything is paid for?

Put it this way, I put away about $1000 less per month than I did 3 yrs ago. Just the other day we were comparing bills to Oct. of 2021. Same bills totaled $1400 dollars per month less. That said, I’m blessed to make enough to have my wife and mom to our 5 kids stay home to home school them. I Fully intend on starting my own company come spring though. I’m about topped out for my industry and nothing is getting cheaper any more. Time to just trust God and go for it!
But seriously why? Especially if he doesn’t need it, it seems kinda strange to require it, just to prove you are willing to be a little more miserable.

Unfortunately I'm not articulate enough to put it into a post. If it's something you'd really like to talk more about shot me a PM with your number, happy to talk to you.
Unfortunately I'm not articulate enough to put it into a post. If it's something you'd really like to talk more about shot me a PM with your number, happy to talk to you.
Dont take the the post carefully and it speaks volumes: ie.....'be a little more miserable'....this means someone is miserable to begin with, which I am not. I have learned whether with abundance or with need to be content. Misery is a choice/attitude, it isnt forced upon us. Its all about our approach to money and material goods. Per the OP and posts in this thread, some have more left over at the end of each month, some have less. Either way, it is my prayer that each has found their purpose in life and can enjoy life no matter how much or less is leftover at the end of each month.
This is a really bad way to go about budgeting or even feeling ok about your life situation. It’s like spending too much time on Facebook, everyone is happy and doing great there.
I think the single greatest thing you can do for your financial future is be on Rokslide.

Based on the numbers in all of these threads, the average Rokslider makes 50% more than the average American, has about 80 grand less in debt, has 2 to 3 times the typical investment portfolio by age, and retires 10 years earlier than the average American male.
I think the single greatest thing you can do for your financial future is be on Rokslide.

Based on the numbers in all of these threads, the average Rokslider makes 50% more than the average American, has about 80 grand less in debt, has 2 to 3 times the typical investment portfolio by age, and retires 10 years earlier than the average American male.

It’s official…hunting is a rich man’s game!

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I think the single greatest thing you can do for your financial future is be on Rokslide.

Based on the numbers in all of these threads, the average Rokslider makes 50% more than the average American, has about 80 grand less in debt, has 2 to 3 times the typical investment portfolio by age, and retires 10 years earlier than the average American male.
Yes. And the part that bothers me is how those guys can't see that they are WAY above average. As one guy responded to me. "It's not all that uncommon" 🤦
I think the single greatest thing you can do for your financial future is be on Rokslide.

Based on the numbers in all of these threads, the average Rokslider makes 50% more than the average American, has about 80 grand less in debt, has 2 to 3 times the typical investment portfolio by age, and retires 10 years earlier than the average American male.
Lol the internet will do that to you.

But, I do imagine internet gear/expedition hunting/gun forums are probably frequented by people that generally have more hobby spending cash than many avg workers.

Take a group that’s not representative then add in internet racing and no need to prove anything you said and whew
Yes. And the part that bothers me is how those guys can't see that they are WAY above average. As one guy responded to me. "It's not all that uncommon" 🤦

This is a place where people can genuinely believe $3k binoculars are a reasonable purchase. I think that's a pretty good indication that Rokslide isn't "average" compared to most of the US.
This is a place where people can genuinely believe $3k binoculars are a reasonable purchase. I think that's a pretty good indication that Rokslide isn't "average" compared to most of the US.
I've spent around 5-6k this year for what will more than likely be a glorified camping trip, so yea...
I’m thankful that our kids aren’t into motor sports - I cringe when hearing someone is buying a titanium bolt kit for their racer, oh and the motor blew up for the 3rd time this year, the price of tires has doubled, or the new toy hauler is so heavy it’s time for a new dually f450 to pull it. My brother in law is the king of justifying toys in the name of needs.