I live in southern Wi. and have a place in northern Wi. Being retired I spend as much time as I can there, hunting and fishing. I elk hunt 2 to 3 weeks every year in Co. If I include all my ice fishing, soft water fishing, deer hunting, turkey hunting, and elk hunting it must be around 250 days a year!
Backcountry I was in 13 days this year but like Ryan said...hunting lat year I logged 68 days. In 2011 I HUNTED 97 days and scouted another 21 and in 2010 I hunted 76 days and scouted something like 17. My boss is VERY good about getting me time off to get out and into the field. It pays to bust your butt off in the off season working 60+ hour weeks most of the time (when you are only open 50) to get that kind of time AWAY!!!! Plus when he is a hunter as well it helps