How long have you been at your current job?

5 years next month.

Starting after I graduated college I stayed at jobs:

8 months
9 years, promoted 3 times
1.5 years
and now at my current company 5 years, promoted once

I'm working on a side gig that I'd like to be full time at some point. I'm tired of having to follow other peoples' rules, want to spend more time with my kids. I told my boss I never wanted his job, and that if I was still here in 2 years I'd be disappointed in myself.
I'm coming up on 4 years at my current company. I don't see myself leaving anytime soon unless it's to venture out and start my own business. Prior to my current employer I spent 7 years working for another company and honestly bounced around from 08-11

The recession of 08 pushed me out of construction for 10 years before I got back in with the company I'm with currently. I missed doing what I grew up doing and quite honestly what I knew.
40 years this June. It was a summer job while I was still in college. Two guys a year or two younger than me have been here a tad longer since they were working part time in high school. We call the place the Hotel California. It's not a hotel by the way
15 Years with my current agency, 8 years in the Military prior & 10 to go to hit retirement age....though I doubt I'll stay that long. I'll most likely pull the ripcord before then. I'm loosing the desire to keep selling off what's left of my physical and mental health.

I'd like to start something on the side but I'm not sure exactly what yet. Time will tell.

There's some fantastic advice in this thread. Weigh it out and remember that sometimes to move forward you need to take a step back and that nothing is gained without risk. Good luck on your endeavors.
It’s not fun to dread going to work. I have been blessed with being a travel Physical Therapist and can work short term contracts (~13 week) and travel around the country. Works well to plan hunting trips that way
I can relate to the op. I would want to leave a job after a few years bc things at would feel boring or stagnant, but sometimes it pays off to stick with things even when it's not fun. I learned about working hard even when you don't enjoy what you are doing. Not to say that people should settle for less, but it did teach me a lot about working through things vs around them. YMMV, but you can't go wrong after an honest days work that you're proud of.
13 years in my current job as a teacher. It's the longest job I've had and I'll turn 63 this year.

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14 years this upcoming September. I've been promoted about as high as I'd like to go...planning to stick it out to 30 and get the maximum state retirement benefits.
I was at the last company for 17 years. I had no intention of leaving but our customer cancelled our service contract and then asked all of us to work for them. If I stayed, my employer would have cut my pay 10% and I would have had no overtime. The customer company gave me almost $1/hr more than I was making plus a signing bonus. I changed companies but wound up doing the exact same job. I've been with the new company almost 6 years now. It's a great paying job with good benefits but I would almost chew off my own leg to get out of here. I seriously have to figure out something else to do. The problem is I would have to take a huge pay cut to change jobs. Then I would have to work more to make the same money. I need to get my house paid off and then money won't be such a concern.
Been at mine for 3 years and plan to stay a minimum 3 more. I've got the best boss I've ever had and great coworkers where I'm at now. No huge complaints if I'm being objective.
33 years in the military as a full time technician and supervisor and they are forcing me out in December. I could go another 4 and a half but they say I'm getting too old and they want to make room for the younger guys. Makes me laugh though because I am in better shape and can work circles around pretty much every 20 to 30 year old I supervise. All these kids want to do is keep their faces planted in front of their cell phones and look at face book or play games. The military isn't what it used to be, its not what you know and how hard you work but who you know and how much you kiss butt, at least in the guard. I'm the only one out of nine supervisors that has all my requirements completed for my next stripe and have had it done for 2 years now but my current chief ( a real liberal ) doesn't like me and is using the non- retainment tool to get rid of me. Its really frustrating, but as many have said here maybe its time to move on and start my own business or work for someone that will pay more and enjoys hunting as much as I do.
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It’s not fun to dread going to work. I have been blessed with being a travel Physical Therapist and can work short term contracts (~13 week) and travel around the country. Works well to plan hunting trips that way
Pharmacist here. Wish I had more travel options, but it's just not a thing for pharmacy due to saturation of the job market. Wife is a nurse, so it would be awesome to be able to travel together.
Almost 8 years. 24 at my former job. But when you can get 20% more and be responsible for less it was pretty much a no brainer.