How long have you been at your current job?

6 months at first job, 2 years at 2nd, 3rd job I loved but it closed down as owners we’re embezzling and it caught up with them (4 years).. would have stayed with them if was still open…. 4th job 3.5 years and genuinely hated it the last 2 years there.

I’ve worked at my current place 1.5 years and I have flexibility to fill in other places which is great .. my boss is good but pay is TERRIBLE. Looking at swapping full time to one of my part times
8 years my first job and I loved working there, but it was a small family-owned business and I had topped out unless someone died. 2nd job was 18 months and was generally terrible after the first 6 months, my boss was brutally bad. I was quitting that job if even if I didn't have something lined up, his business strategy changed daily and was extremely high pressure. I've been at my new job 14 months, and it's been phenomenal, my boss and his bosses are great people with a long-term plan for success and my production has skyrocketed compared to my previous job. I did a significantly better job interviewing the company to make sure they were a good fit this last time around!
10 years, although my original company sold their assets and people 3 years ago to another. I was transferred straight across.

Been in the same position for about 8 years now, getting frustrated with the lack of movement.
When I saw this post I started calculating and realized I missed the anniversary. I've been here 15 years as of Saturday. I forgot about it so I can't blame the County for not throwing me a party.
I answered when this thread was first opened. Been with the entity since 2018 but have been to four departments in that time.

First one was 2.5 years. Left for a promotion.
Second one was a little over 2 years. Left for a "promotion"
Third one was 6 months. Sucked and hated it. Worked 60 hours a week, paid for 40. Boss had no interest in fixing things to change that.
Fourth, been here for a little over year. Love it. Great people to work with. Job needs to get done but management recognizes that people dont die if its not done yesterday.
I’m coming up on 12 years next week. I started at the lowest level entry, and and am in a management position now. It’s done pretty well for me.
16 years. Walked across the graduation stage in college on Saturday, started working Monday.

Bought the place about 10 years ago, started 2 other comparable businesses to go with it since then.

Doing your own thing is very rewarding, but if you're in it for less stress and more pay, you're in it for the wrong reasons.

The pay and time freedom are great! But the stress makes you count the cost. I'm on the back side of some of the "buildup" stuff, so I can situation work to suit me. Didn't have that for the first 5-10 years.

Work for yourself or work for someone, either way, if you want to succeed, you're going to have to work. Period.
I would suggest forcing yourself to start working it out. The current job market is not conducive to “hop arounds” like it was in 2020-2023. Plus, as we all mature it’s important to realize that we’re not perfect, and staying in one place can force you to iron out some of your own personal weaknesses and blind spots. I’ve found that ironing those out, while frustrating at the time, pays dividends years later. I bet your have the power and skill to grow and provide benefit to your current employer, it may just take some deep introspection to make it happen. Best of luck to you.
5 years with current employer in 2 different positions. I am about to start letting my foot off the gas on promotions/growth and instead try to find a place to "cruise". So planning my next move for cruise potential.
Just about to hit 9 years.
Sometimes instead of leaving you can request what your needs are before leaving. I didn’t realize how much my employer wanted to keep me until I had enough and was ready to leave.
Put my two weeks in a year ago and negotiated 2 more weeks vacation (5 weeks total now) and a %40 raise. I also don’t get hassled as much anymore. So I decided to stay with them.
I just switched jobs... again. First job out of college I stayed 7 years. Moved and loved the job, that was 2 years ago. Wasn't planning or looking for a different job but a job found me. I was "recruited" and got a 60% raise and double the vacation. Changed an hour drive to 10 minutes. Also moved up in postions, which I couldn't do at my old job.

Only down fall is this job has a definitive cap. In 6-10 years I'll be starting my own company or finding another job.