How long have you been at your current job?

To me retired just means I don't work for a jerk or inept fool any more and they give you money monthly to stay away.

The rest of your life is your choice at your pace, at your ethics and at your pleasure. Your goal should be to enjoy every day three times as much as you disliked your formal life. If you do it right it should be at a rate of a least twice your former wages.

For you young folks here's your goal. For the rest of you old goats- get out of the chair and go do something deserving of the rest of your life.
Been in my industry for 30 years. It’s common for chefs to bounce around and travel as that’s how you get better at your craft learning and seeing new things. My last few gigs have been 6 years, 7 years and 1 year. I’m doing my own thing now and trying to start a new concept. I’m sick of listening to rich business owners that have never dropped a bead of sweat on the line or worked a 7 day a week 14 hour a day chef job let alone a dish washing job in their lives. So I figured it’s now or never. It’s scary but I’ve got this and I love it!!!!! If you guys want to check it out it’s and insta is backcountrydining. I think it just depends on your industry. For mine it’s normal. For the union jobs or gigs that people settle with after college or high school it might be tough. I love my lifestyle but I know 99% wouldn’t. I have always been jealous of the jobs that have the perks, benefits, vacations etc…..,but that’s my choice and I don’t regret it. Point being……there’s no right or wrong answer. I just think some industries are different and growth can be really slow if you bounce around.
29 years same company I started with right out of college. I’m in finance some of the wealthiest people I deal with have their own business. If you don’t mind taking the risk that seems most profitable. Working for someone else usually has less headaches and less income 😂
I've been at my current job for 3 weeks. The first 3 months are requiring a 55 mile one way commute but after that I'll be based in my home town. It's given me quite the appreciation for a short commute!
Grew up farming and ranching, hot summers and brutal cold winters, cows never give you a day off.

My dad tried to get me to go to work with his employer, I chose my Grandfather instead. I never could see myself inside a building with no exterior windows.

Grandfather got cancer and I have spent the last 25yrs inside a building that has no exterior windows. My dad spent 40yrs here, I'll never see that happening with me, I will be out of here in about another 7-8yrs.
6 years. Best job I have ever had. Base salary and commission, nice company truck, great benefits, 401k, with lots of time off. Can retire in 7 months, but I think I’m going to keep working. Feel very blessed to like my job.
I've been at my current job for a little less than 2 years. I've been in LE for a little over 19 years. I worked at my last Sheriff's Office from 2003 until 2020. Our Sheriff retired, and I wasn't willing to work for the new one coming in, so I went to work at the Sheriff's Office in a neighboring county. I 100% made the right decision looking at how things in my old office are now. I'll be able to retire in a few more years so we'll see how it goes. I'll be young enough that I may start a second career doing something totally different!!
9 years in the sector, 2 years at my current job. Work too much but get to build some cool things. Focusing on prioritizing my recreational time this year
Creeping up on 10 years this year. I’m only 31 with no intention on leaving and most likely will buy the company in about 5 years.
Almost 1 year, but over 10 years in oil and gas finance. I’m 40 and hope my real estate investments “retire” me within 5 years. Speaking of that, anybody want to sell their house, land or commercial property off market?

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Been working for the most miserable jerk of a boss for the last 35 years.

However being self employed does have its benefits,
like hunting from last October through December.
Hoping to do it again this fall.