How far was your average Antelope shot?

Most recently I was able to get to about 225. My brother pulled he trigger on the same hunt at around 280.
I have shot 3 so far.
366 yards after stalking group over a mile.
150 yards (shot w/o ranging).
300 yards.
Average of 272 yards. 7mm Weatherby with 140 grn Barnes.
Most I didn’t need to think where to shoot after getting a range and my Pronghorn gun is zero at 300, so give or take 50 yards. Longest was in Nevada I had perfect conditions it was 637. Closest i remember was 240/250. None with a bow yet.
no expert, but from my limited experience average is right around 200. That's simply where the terrain dictated a "natural" point to crawl or sneak to that offered a very reasonable shot. I could see in much flatter or hillier terrain a longer shot being natural--have encountered this in the field while not hunting or without an antelope tag. I also think the next opportunity I get, if it's anything like the antelope hunting I've done so far, stalking closer than the "easy, natural place to sneak to" would be a big part of the fun for me.
113 yards. Find the terrain that lets you shoot the distance you’re comfortable with.
I've been having my wife shoot out to 500yds as we prep for her first hunt. These ranges make me feel confident she'll be prepared to put one down this season.
I need to know where you get antelope tags lol…

Mine was 43 yds with my bow
I live within the Hunt Area in Wyoming where I have killed most of the antelope I referred to.

Up until a few years ago the licenses never sold out in the drawings so they were easy to get. Now that has changed, but residents can still draw the area if they list if as their choice.

First was 300 on the nose
2nd was 60 yards on a run. I had been stalking him and spooked him… he took off towards the corner of the field… saw the truck.. wheeled the opposite direction.. I hid behind a big rock as he bee lined right towards me (guess he forgot where I was at) and dropped him as he went sprinting by .. oddly enough perfect shot too; right through his heart missed both shoulders…got really lucky or either ate my wheaties that morning.

However last year missed a stud at 15 yards with my recurve that would have easily made pope and young.
I had practiced at 25 yards all summer and shot right over him.. he stopped at 35 and I gave a hail Mary shot and shot right under… I’ll have to find pictures …
I live within the Hunt Area in Wyoming where I have killed most of the antelope I referred to.

Up until a few years ago the licenses never sold out in the drawings so they were easy to get. Now that has changed, but residents can still draw the area if they list if as their choice.

Thank God Wyomans are being prioritized now
Between the two I have shot, (240 and 325) and the few other hunts I have been on (120, 270, and 390) Seems that on each we could get to a natural feature and after that it got tough to get closer.