How far was your average Antelope shot?

My sample of 2. The first was about 60 yards, didnt range. My second was a frontal at 389 or 386 I cant remember exactly.
55,70,35,30,40,60,80= 52.8 avg. yards all compound bow- all but one where spot and stalk one was shot at 30 out of a windmill stand.
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Went in 2020 with my brother and his friend.

His friend shot a pronghorn with a 6.5 Creedmoor at 200 yards across a field.

I shot a pronghorn with a 6.5 Creedmoor at 373 yards from hill to hill-I was totally exposed and he was bedded down.

My brother shot his with a 28 Nosler at 25 yards after it walked right past us.

So the average was 199.3 yards for that trip.
Of the 20+ I’ve personally shot, I would guess an average of 200 yards. Closest around 50 and furthest just over 400. Central/eastern Montana wind can be tough. I don’t think the wind lends itself well to long range. I’ve seen more than a few wounded antelope by people that think they shoot over 500 yards. Elevation is easy to dial for but accounting for 30+ mph winds isn’t
The only Antelope I’ve been able to hunt have been in central and eastern Montana. Average for 4 antelope bucks has been around 250 yards.
I shot one at 25 yards, one at 350 yards, and couldn’t shoot a handful between 75 and 200 yards cause i didnt have a buck tag.

Go sit on a hill and they’ll walk right up to you if you sit still.
When they are chasing does sitting beside a clump of sage tall enough to mostly hide you can work wonders for a close up shot. When they are rut crazy they move around a lot. Mt first one was 348 yards. The one I shot last year - I walked a bit off the beaten path and sat down by the tallest sage I could find and shot one at 50 yards. Would have had several more opportunities less than 150 yards if I had passed on the one I took. Between lazy road hunters and the rut they run around quite a bit and getting off the main roads can provide many opportunities for lesser distance shooting.
I'd say with my guiding average was 275ish...personally about 200 with rifle.

My 2 archery goats were at 76 and 63 yards. So 69.5
I shot mine 3 years ago at 160 spot and stalk. My brother shot his at 350 and our friends shot theirs at 150 and 100.
4 total, anywhere from 75 yards to 225. I do have a 180 yard pistol shot. The best buck was at 225. It's been a long time since ive goat hunted though. Getting harder to remember in my old (Im only 54)

Pronghorns are stupid. Probably the easiest hunts I have ever been on. When we were younger, it was about filling our tag. Never hunted past 2pm on opening day. It was pretty easy to get reasonably close in the areas we hunted.
I’ve shot 1 and it was about 75 yards with my rifle. There were 4 killed on the trip and none were over 250 yards
Guiding for ten years I would say the average shot is 200-250 yards. Usually if you don’t bust them when you first see them you can get to that distance fairly easy.
I’ve shot two at about 250, one at about 90, and the other at 20 yards. Missed a toad pushing 80 inches at 300 last year and didn’t take a shot at 500 at another toad.