How did you pick your pack?

How in the world did you guys pick out your pack? With all the great selections out there I'm having a heck of a time deciding. Don't really have a place to try some out. Did you guys order a few in and return the ones you didn't like? Or did you just take a chance and hope you liked what you picked?

I've been eyeing up the Exo 3500, the new outdoorsman spur 50, Seekoutside Peregrine.

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For me, it's important to remember that all of the higher end packs (Kifaru, Exo, Stone Glacier, etc.) are great, and you will absolutely be happy with whatever you purchase as long as it fits you properly.. Really comes down to what you're looking for. Minimalist? Stone glacier. Do you value customizability? KIfaru. Do you like a relatively simple design but with several additional compartments? Exo.

Once you weight the options and make your decision, if it feels good and does what you need it to do, stop reading about other packs. The internet can convince you you need something else even if you're satisfied with what you have. I had this same back and forth recently, in the end It was between Exo K4 5000 and the Stone Glacier Sky 5900. I liked the thicker waist belt foam on the exo, so I went with it and I love it.
I just went with whatever pack my favorite hunting social media influencer said to use!

I ended up going with Seek Outside because when I bought mine a few years ago, I had trouble finding one that would fit my body type (short legs, long torso), and SO had the adjustability to fit it very comfortably. I'm very happy with it, but will probably move to a different company when it comes time to get a new one.
Exo has always been a top name and I happened to come across a K3 at a good price. Actually bought two of them cause I purchased one from a member her but being in Canada the shipping was going to take a bit so I found one in Canada while I waited lol still have them both, one is brand new just in storage. If there was another top brand for good price before I saw the Exo I'd have probably bought it.
EXO…bc their goal is to focus on making the best possible pack. And that’s it.

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Take a look at your hunting style as well. Some packs function better for a bush whacking still hunter than others.

Some are more ideal for guys with a more curved back

Some fit the skinny athletic guys better.

You will get Quality and dependability in all the top packs- but fit, style and use are factors you should use in your decision making process.
I had to try them on. That involved asking around to find some, placing some orders and making returns, and stopping by some stores when passing through places where the packs are made. No substitute for getting the packs on your back with (importantly) weight in it.
It was a no brainer for me. When i chose my first Kifaru in 2013, it was because while packing my first bull quarter out of the Gila Wilderness, one of the shoulder straps on my made in China Badlands tore loose making for some miserable trips out. I vowed to never let anything like that happen again. I did a little homework and found out the Kifaru’s were 100% Made in America and that’s all i needed for convincing. It’s been all Kifaru since then for me.
I went to the western hunt expo when I was living in SLC and tried on stone glacier, kifaru, and exo with weight in each pack. Exo fit me the best and felt like a good middle-ground between the minimalist SG and the heavy-duty kifaru. I went with the 3500 since I haven't done any backcountry trips longer than 5 days without coming out to the truck. I'm right around 400 days of use on my exo over the last 9 years and it's held up great.
Shot an elk way to far back in and a buddy told me to leave mine in the truck and use one of his. Bought my own Outdoorsman's when I got back to town.
What did you like about the Outdoors man's that made you buy one?

I'm looking to upgrade, and beginning my research.
Honestly, I knew absolutely nothing about western/mountain hunting. I have no friends that have experience western hunting - shoot, I don't even have any friends that do serious back packing. So I did what anyone would do - I bought the Mystery Ranch Metcalf because Randy said too. Since then my Mystery Ranch has been in AK, NWT, MT, ID, and WY. No regrets and I own several now.
After looking at a bunch of youtube vids and reading through forums, I went with the Exo K4 5000 and I'm happy with it.
Honestly, I knew absolutely nothing about western/mountain hunting. I have no friends that have experience western hunting - shoot, I don't even have any friends that do serious back packing. So I did what anyone would do - I bought the Mystery Ranch Metcalf because Randy said too. Since then my Mystery Ranch has been in AK, NWT, MT, ID, and WY. No regrets and I own several now.

That's where I'm at, this will be my first mountain hunt. My current packs are for day sits in stands.
When I first started western hunting my cousin had an exo. Tried it and knew that was the one I wanted to go with.
That's where I'm at, this will be my first mountain hunt. My current packs are for day sits in stands.
If you only hunt a few days or a one week per year, any of the SG, Kifaru, Exo, Seek, MR will work......find one in the classifieds and get to rucking in prep for your hunt....
How in the world did you guys pick out your pack? With all the great selections out there I'm having a heck of a time deciding. Don't really have a place to try some out. Did you guys order a few in and return the ones you didn't like? Or did you just take a chance and hope you liked what you picked?

I've been eyeing up the Exo 3500, the new outdoorsman spur 50, Seekoutside Peregrine.

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I called Kifaru, told them what I would most likely need it for, they said buy this one…so I did