How did you pick your pack?

Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
I started of trying/buying external frame packs and initially didn’t really pay attention to weight. After several hunts over the course of a couple years, and doing a LOT of bush whacking, I got really tired of my external frames hanging up in the alders, so I started looking into internal frames. My first internal was a Kifaru DT1. I liked the pack and used it to haul out a fair number of animals, but I had issues with belt comfort when weights exceeded 100 pounds. The pack was also pretty heavy the way I had it set up (over 9 lbs.), so I decided to pick up a KU5200. The weight was right with this pack but it seemed like 80 lbs was pretty much it’s limit for load capabilities. So, in my continuing search for “the perfect pack”, a used Stone Glacier Krux with Terminus bag came up for sale locally, so I bought it. I also never really cared for the idea of carrying meat inside of my bag and the SG would fix that problem as well. Since then I’ve bought and sold several different SG frames and bags, and I think my current SG setups check all the boxes for my pack requirements.

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Jan 20, 2017
Call Kifaru and speak with Aron. Discuss the type of hunting you do and the features that are important to you. He will help you narrow it down to a frame and pack that will work well for you. If it ends up not being what you want they’ll make sure they get you set up with something else that’ll work well for you.
If your backpack hunting (packing in) my suggestion to you is to go a little bigger than you think you need as all of their bags compress down very well for day hunt mode.
If I can answer any questions PM me, I’d be glad to help.
Sep 7, 2016
El Dorado HIlls
My first two packs (KUIU and Exo) I bought a couple years a part and just figured they would be great based on what I read. Than I realized I wsn't sure if I really had the best and I was curious about Stone glacier and Kifaru. So this past summer I had Exo, Kifaru and Stone Glacier and tested them side by side with same loads. I chose one and sent the rest back. For me the Kifaru came in a distant 3rd. Again, this is a great pack, but like boots it just didn't fit me as well as the others.
Sep 21, 2018
For me it was weeks upon weeks and hours of research and contacting all the companies and takin to the CS. At the end of the day I went with Blacks Creek cause Sandy was just simply awesome. I’m getting that pack hopefully mext week. SG was the close second and I’ll probably get one if there packs next year. The guy I talked to at Kifaru was kinda a asshole and he turned me and a buddy off but that’s not a knock on there product at all. That’s what I did though. I’ll end up with a SG and a Kifaru though you can believe that

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
For me, I defined what I wanted feature/size wise. For me, I want one pack, not many so I learn The One and leave my stuff in it between hunts. That means a big day pack/small overnight pack (can hang sleeping bag, tent, pouches on the outside easy). Wanted a load shelf. The equaled approx 3000/3500 cubic inches and a meat shelf. All kinds of companies offer this size/feature. I bought a Mystery Ranch Selway, could have bought a SG, EXO, Kifaru, etc. Why MR? They're local, know a lot of people there, have high confidence in the new lighter weight frame and heard they were very quiet. Could have bought a Stone Glacier too, both companies are within a few stone throws of each other.

IMHO, packs are way too overthought. All these companies are excellent, their stuff works, reason it's hard is because there isn't a bad choice among them. I didn't have time or money to buy a bunch and spend days/hours tweaking and testing. I'm jealous of those who do. I bought one, am very happy and will stick with it. Could the Stone Glacier have been slightly better, more aerodynamic, ounces lighter, pull the load 1/16" closer to my back? Maybe, but time to move on.

IMHO, get one and move on to what's important: getting outside and using it!


May 13, 2016
Russell PA
Like others, I bought tried returned several. Some I knew wouldn't work out of the box, others were great until loaded with 40+lbs. There was only one that just didn't fit me right though I tried everything to make it work as I liked the bag layout and design. It just didn't work. I ended up with a Kifaru 24" frame. it fits me best.
Now I'm playing with bags, latest is the DT1 with a guide lid.


Oct 11, 2020
Western Pennsylvania, Lawrence County
How in the world did you guys pick out your pack? With all the great selections out there I'm having a heck of a time deciding. Don't really have a place to try some out. Did you guys order a few in and return the ones you didn't like? Or did you just take a chance and hope you liked what you picked?

I've been eyeing up the Exo 3500, the new outdoorsman spur 50, Seekoutside Peregrine.

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In my case, I cycled through a bunch. I started with cheap "Walmart" grade packs, using them for training.

Moved to a Milsurp ruck to a Badlands pack. None of them worked. Something was either failing on the pack like the buckles on the Badlands pack that suck or zips and squeaks on the milsurp ruck.

I had been following Aron Snyder on socials for a while and took a chance on a Kifaru pack. Once I got things adjusted, it handles everything that I throw at it


Jul 12, 2021
Do a little research, then buy one and roll with it. I'm a believer in good equipment, but often times, unless you live in the back country, you won't know the difference between a B+ pack and an A Pack.

Like drinking wine. Unless you're really into it, you won't know the difference between something out of a box or something high end.
Feb 17, 2018
I basically did alot of online research, watched alot of YT video reviews, and contacted the companies that interested me. I had a flexible budget and determined the purpose for the backpack, Western hunting. Taking vital measurements of your physique will give you an idea of the frame size. In 2018, I went with the Exo K2 3500 for basecamp hunting and K2 5500 for overnight backpack hunting. A good balance of price, weight, and functionality. Most companies continue to improve their packs and it's definitely worth contacting them before buying. The better ones are willing to exchange or refund your $ if their packs don't fit you well.


Oct 6, 2021
My process was simpler. I bought a new bag/vendor every year. Then I tried a buddy's MR Sawtooth 45 and bought one of those last summer. This year my budget is going to a homestead we just broke ground on, so for the first time I'll be reusing the same bag for a second year in a row.

You guys should try it. This totally works.
Mar 1, 2024
I tried my buddy’s Kuiu. Tried a Barney’s. Watched every review I could find. Settled on the k4 7000, it checked the boxes I needed. Little things , adjustability, the Molle compatibility, being able to strap a pistol to the hip belt. Then listened to the guys who run the company and I liked their outlook. I think all the packs at the top of the market are probably really nice , like boots, depends on what fits you.


Jan 26, 2016
Shot an elk way to far back in and a buddy told me to leave mine in the truck and use one of his. Bought my own Outdoorsman's when I got back to town.


Jul 2, 2016
I had a kifaru which worked well but wasn’t great for moose hunting so I sold it and got a Barney’s frame. A few years later I wanted a lightweight pack for some backpack hunts. A guy I worked with was a big sheep hunter and liked the SG stuff so I got a stone glacier frame then a 7900 bag.

Now I still have the sg xcurve/7900 and a Barney’s frame and all the other packs have been sold.


Apr 16, 2012
Since someone decided to dig this up from 2018, I would like to note I found a pack. I originally asked the question since I'm stuck here in Pennsylvania. There are no stores that carry a decent amount of big names packs to look at, try on, compare. I don't live an hour away from Kifaru headquarters that I can go play touchy feely, get sized for the correct stays to my body type and so on. It's also not like there are hunting buddies just down the road where Smitty might have such & such pack and Julio has this other brand.

In the end, I bit the big one, and ordered a bunch of packs. At one time, I had Kifaru, Exo, Outdoorsman, Stone Glacier. Stone Glacier's frame ended up being the one I could get to fit the most comfortable. I didn't like their bag choices. I come from a whitetail hunting background, so no other exterior pockets for organization was foreign to me, and I didn't like that. I was able to pair the Exo K3 bag with the Stone Glacier frame. Exo's K3 frame was the 2nd most comfortable for me, so when they brought out the K4, I knew I had to try it. Bought a K4, and haven't looked back. The little bit of belt slippage I had from the K3, was taken care of in the updates on the K4. I still have the Stone Glacier w K3 bag as an extra.
Dec 27, 2012
Outside wandering around
I started with an ALICE pack as that was what I was issued. During that time I was given a Mystery Ranch NICE frame to test with it. I used that for a few years until I had to give it back. I sure did enjoy that frame over the aluminum one that I was using.

I then found Kifaru and went through several of their packs and frames. I just couldn’t seem to get them to fit me quite right so I tried an Exo. It fit well, but I didn’t like the bag design. I ended up trading it for a mystery ranch with the guidelight frame and that is what I have used for the past 10 or so years.

I have tried SO and SG, I didn’t care for either one of the frames, didn’t fit me quite right.


Apr 13, 2024
Right here
Word of mouth for me. Couple guys I know, including a guide, swore by Exo. I researched a bit and ordered a K3 4800 BRO. I also bought a 3200. Made in USA. Comfortable. Haven’t looked back.
Aug 6, 2018

Local thrift store used backpack - $40.00 plus tax. No research involved. Worked great on recent mountain hunt in New Zealand. Happy hunting and good luck, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.