How are you fighting the ticks so far

Permethrin isn’t a deterrent, and it can take a while to kill ticks, but it will start the incapacitation process quickly.
Interesting. That jives with what I've observed. I've watched ticks crawl partway up my permethrin-treated pants then turn around or just fall off.
Was just reading on another forum on here about FORLOH and their Insect Shield pants and shirt. They say it protects from ticks. Here is a link to their website about it. Was thinking about ordering the pants. Let me know what you guys think..

Another vote for Sawyer. I don't wanna hear you sissies talk about how bad your ticks are until you've seen our mosquitos and ticks in northern Minnesota this year. It's nasty this year !
I wouldn't even complain if it wasn't for Lyme disease. They really aren't a big deal other than that.
Interesting. That jives with what I've observed. I've watched ticks crawl partway up my permethrin-treated pants then turn around or just fall off.

That’s correct. Insects taste with their feet and when the permethrin starts burning they will drop off or try to escape. They won’t live very long after they’ve dropped off. If you read the lab results they describe ticks as “hot footing” away from permethrin. They literally keep lifting their feet up trying to get away.

Most interior home insect defense sprays are permethrin.
Was just reading on another forum on here about FORLOH and their Insect Shield pants and shirt. They say it protects from ticks. Here is a link to their website about it. Was thinking about ordering the pants. Let me know what you guys think..

I would buy something like this instead:

They can't get under anything tight to the skin. I think I'm going to buy one of these base layers then spray it with Permethrin.
It’s interesting I ran across this post. I went in to get checked for Lyme disease today and left with a positive Covid test and strong antibiotics. I treat my clothes and thoroughly check my self but since mid march ive pulled 20+ ticks off me. And when I mean off I mean they where imbedded. This wasn’t to out of the norm as I work out side all day with long pants and shirt sleeves and since I was a kid Ive been bit by ticks. However one bite from early may in Kentucky that was in my arm pit looks pretty bad so will see what the results are.
‘I don’t know what to do different just last Monday I was bit 6 times and probably flicked 15 off. They where all in this wild grass in a oak flat.
I do not purchase clothing that I cannot apply bug spray too....that thought has never crossed my mind. I use repel max deet each time....
Permethrin for me. Dogs on the other hand, just try to pick them over and check em good. I pulled a dozen off my wirehair the other day… found one I missed tonight. He’s been living large on her…

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This is why I can't/won't live east of Colorado. Humidity is bad enough, I think we got to 30% yesterday and I was dying. But add in ticks, the brown recluse spiders, new snakes to learn, roaches, tornado's, etc, and that's a hard NO. Living in a so-called dry climate is easy. :)
Permethrin for me. Dogs on the other hand, just try to pick them over and check em good. I pulled a dozen off my wirehair the other day… found one I missed tonight. He’s been living large on her…

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why don't you use BRAVECTO on your dogs ?
During warm weather months in the deep south any scouting, hiking or any activity in the outdoors requires permethrin
Ticks, chiggers and noseeums are bad down this way
I normally don't wear my higher end hunting cloth during scouting. Permethrin will stay on the fabric for a bit. I mean 4-7 washes to get it out I think? I usually wash my high end clothing once when I get off the mountain and that's it. When I'm in the whitetail woods in the early summer and fall scouting and hanging stands I do the same. My hunting clothes I will not put anything on it like Permethrin. Id say try to find some older clothing's for those scouting trips and you can wash all you want and spray it down to keep the ticks off. I think permethrin is the only thing that will work here in KS. Deet Repellents seem to be useless for me for ticks.
I worked in the woods as a forest tech until I retired several years ago. All field people had to have safety training, one of the topics annually was tick born illness. There is at least 7 diseases carried by ticks. I Hate Ticks!! I have had Lyme 2 times. I still do a little part time timber consulting and timber cruising for loggers and sawmills. I have gotten ticks off me every month of the year. When I go into the woods I almost all ways tape my pants to the top of my boots and spray with Sawyers. I still get ticks. I Hate Them. You would think a very cold winter would kill the black hearted blood suckers, but I have never seen any evidence of this.
I know a lot of you scout in the summer and this year seems to be a bad year so far for thr damn ticks. How are you all fighting these little bastards off.
I used to use permetherin and just spray my clothes and it worked well. But since going to more higher end clothing I don't know if it will mess up my sitka stuff or not so I have been leary of doing it.

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Soak that Sitka in permethrin. It won’t effect it at all and it’s the only thing that works well. Ive coated my Sitka, kuiu, first lite, and kings in permethrin every year for a long time now and it’s in great shape and I never get ticks anymore. I guide turkeys full time this spring and never once saw a tick on me while clients were covered with them.
Does BRAVECTO work any better than Frontline? I'm not impressed with Frontline...
Personally, has worked great on my lab shed hunting dog. If you happen to find a tick still latched is basically dead and would have fallen off shortly if I had not found & removed it. Honestly I used to use frontline but my mom who has worked at a vet clinic for 47 years told me to switch to bravecto.
Summer food plot and tree stand work I treated everything in permethrin.

Also started using top secret scent defense clothes wash and spray, body wash,smells good repels bugs!

Never had a tick issue doing those combined, wash in that stuff turkey season also.

Apply permethrin to clothes every couple weeks, soaked all my Sitka base layers with sawyers, no issues.

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why don't you use BRAVECTO on your dogs ?

She’s got a seresto collar on. I’m not positive, but I think exposure to water must have an effect on the effectiveness(obviously my real world results are showing that ). Maybe I’ll give bravecto a try. Seresto has been fine until now.

I plan to hover her some doxycycline and kill whatever might be in there.

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