He means he has about $240k sitting in a money market account that pays 5 percent. ($12k per year, $1000 per month in interest payments )
His mortgage is with the same bank for the same amount ($240k) and he pays the bank 2.5 percent interest on that mortgage.
(He pays the bank about $6k per year/ $500 per month)
By not just paying off the loan he is ahead 2.5 percent by loaning the same bank money (money market account) he borrows money from for his mortgage.
He’s up $6k if all that is actually true
Meanwhile my money in the Vanguard total stock market index fund is up 17.56 % since the beginning of 2023.
$240k in that index fund would give you a profit of $42k so far this year!
So far from this thread I have learned what ever each of us has personally done financially is the smartest idea, which makes sense.
Because we all try to make the best decisions with our money.
Also there are also several people that made way smarter decisions