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Good thing there isn’t any indoctrination happening with home schooling.
Kids think they can grow up to be a pterodactyl, It's completely foolish and ignorant to think that any child forms their own opinions and worldview lol. Even teenagers don't have their own well reasoned opinions but rather they hold the opinion of those they spend the most time with. It's a matter of laying down a foundation for them to build on later in life when they do have the capacity think for themselves. The question is what sort of foundation do you want to have in place for them.
My kids are home schooled. My wife works part time, I work full time. Not to be arrogant, but we are smarter, more capable, and care more than any public school union jockey ever could be.

With home schooling, you just have to know people will judge you and not care about anything they think.
My kids are home schooled. My wife works part time, I work full time. Not to be arrogant, but we are smarter, more capable, and care more than any public school union jockey ever could be.

With home schooling, you just have to know people will judge you and not care about anything they think.
Lol. You’re a celebrity in your own world!

You obviously do care. You care enough to come post here and talk about how much better you are then everyone else. Most interesting justification I’ve heard yet.
Lol. You’re a celebrity in your own world!

You obviously do care. You care enough to come post here and talk about how much better you are then everyone else. Most interesting justification I’ve heard yet.
Nah bud, I don’t care what you think.

However, I do think it’s important to reaffirm to other home schooling parents that people like you exist, and that your opinion is worthless and they’re making the right choice.
Lol. You’re a celebrity in your own world!

You obviously do care. You care enough to come post here and talk about how much better you are then everyone else. Most interesting justification I’ve heard yet.

Nah, it’s not arrogant in the least for a self-appointed expert to categorically state that they’re smarter and more capable than actual teaching professionals even have the capacity to be.

If anything, it’s a powerful lesson in humility.
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If your school is one that allows teachers to talk about their sexuality and influence kids to change genders/chop off various parts of their anatomies, you are a fool.

None of that garbage has any place in the classroom and the fact it is being allowed speaks volumes about teachers, their unions, the school system, and their actual priorities.
Who all here homeschools their kids? 3 boys here - oldest starts school next fall . We are currently committed to homeschooling for many various reasons and my wife and I are both self employed. The recent shooting just solidifies things for me. What are others experiences with it? Advice on structure, etc?

We don't do home-schooling, we do home education.
The mother in-law was a thirty year teacher whose took retirement from teaching early because she's not happy with it.
The wife studied for her teaching degree when she was younger.
We live no where near our in-laws and you absolutely do not need training like that to home educate your own children.

Initially it's just basic stuff. Reading and writing, drawing, etc. Printed work sheets make it very simple.
Then recognise that everything can be a lesson, (but don't lay on to much, to fast). So baking a cake, and weights of ingredients.
Planting a garden learning about the seasons, soil fertility and health, nutrient cycle, etc, etc. The lessons almost don't need to change for years, just get more detailed and comprehensive as the years go on.

Also self-employed.
Two Christian daughters.
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I have known good and bad professional teachers, running the gambit from grade school to university. Most of the good ones feel many other teachers are found lacking. One specifically says that if he had kids they would not be in public school.

I have known good and bad homeschooling families. Not every family or kid is the same. Some kids will do well in public school. Some will do very poorly and short of rich parents who can pay for premium private schooling will be best served by homeschooling (if the parents are up to the task).
Wanted to add a couple of things:

Judging parents, teachers, policeman, doctors, tradesmen, cars salesmen, etc who care and put the effort in, to those that at best don't care to at worst are outright malevolent obviously isn't helpful.

99% of parents who tried homeschooling during the so called, "'covid"' were not doing anything close to what committed home educating families do.
IMO, they were set up to fail.
An easy and non contentious example being field trips, which are an incredible learning experience not just for the day, but to build whole learning blocks from, and towards.
Very hard to do for meny people, under government mandated house arrest and forced business closure.

Also, socialisation.
Most home educated children are far better socialised than school children.
At an age appropriate time you could read the modern classic, Lord of the flies for an entertaining and educational example for why, but the social issues today are increasingly more complicated than that now. Some of those complications have been pointed out above already.
Yes, homeschooled kids are famous for having superior social skills.
Back in the 80-90's I would have tended to agree with you. However, the large percentage of parents who are choosing to homeschool since the mid 2000's have acknowledged that social interaction is imperative to their child's development. As stated by other's there are co-ops and groups typically in your local area to allow your children that interaction. Many co-ops will work together to pick which subjects a family teaches and send the children to those homes for that subject.

A lot of it has to do with the specific family and how they are choosing to go about it. We've been fortunate in being able to cyber school with our 4 the past couple of years and are going into the 3rd year. My kids are thriving and do well when they get around others as well. It's been working well for our family, however I also acknowledge that it doesn't for others. It's also not a true homeschooling program as it's still a public cyber charter school. This option though allows us to be more involved and aware of what our children are learning. We are also able to opt out of certain topics if we feel as though it is not beneficial for our children.
I was homeschooled from 3rd grade on (technically graduated in 2002). My wife and I adopted 3 kids through foster care. Our oldest is homeschooled through Liberty's LUOA, our other 2 are in public school.

Today's tools and homeschooling experience are vastly different than mine of 20 years ago. My daughter has an online curriculum, teachers, and classmates and as parents we probably spend a couple hours a month at most on her schooling. She's largely been self-sufficient since starting high-school, and for our oldest homeschooling through LUOA was the right choice (she was public schooled through 9th grade).

There's good reasons to homeschool, but don't go into it thinking it's a formula that guarantees your kids will make great adults. I was involved in homeschool circles both locally and nationally growing up, and stay connected with friends in different homeschool circles across the country. TONS of my friends that grew up in great christian homeschool families are divorcing, coming out as gay/bi, leaving their families and kids, etc.... Josh Harris was THE PERFECT homeschooler growing up, and look where he is now....

My wife was a homeschooler, and went to a fairly young college that is known as "Harvard for Homeschoolers". Her friend group from college is full of people who have rejected the faith, left their families, left their kids, and basically become the exact opposite type of person the homeschool movement set out to create. And, not just talking guys here. There's alot women from our cirles that are just up and walking away from their kids.... Literally abandoning them and just saying, "I don't want to be a mom anymore".

It's been an interesting and heart breaking phenomena to watch the last 10 years. The early homeschooling movement was very good at creating robots that did well in college and got married and made lots of babies, but it did a really horrible job of creating a generation that thinks deeply, owns it's faith, and has long term commitment to values.

The result has been adults in their 30s and 40s rejecting their life and responsibilities, and leaving a wake of torn apart families and hurt kids.

Whatever schooling choice you choose, my recommendation is go into eyes wide open on the strength's and weaknesses realize nothing is a guarantee that your kids will make the choices you want them to when they get older.
Most home educated children are far better socialised than school children.
This is just not a true statement. Isolating kids from their peers and other adults does not promote socialization. Most are pretty socially awkward compared to kids who go to school and interact with their peers and teachers.
Government schools churning out one little Marxist at a time. They finish off the process at the university level where 98% of professors lean left. (I give them credit for being in the long game and starting young) .
This is just not a true statement. Isolating kids from their peers and other adults does not promote socialization. Most are pretty socially awkward compared to kids who go to school and interact with their peers and teachers.
I'm sharing from my own experiences, and direct observed experiences of others.

My children can hold conversations with people of various ages, and use a wide range of vocabulary. They are able to hold their attention. They are not stuck in front of a screen of any type, with all the determental effects that is known to have, which can be observed in most children today. They are not bullied, nor influenced by mainstream "culture" they do not they use passive aggressive language or behaviour. Nor are they exposed to inappropriate concepts or materials such as pornography, whilst still children.

Nor are they isolated from other children, or even other adults.
They are however isolated from cultural degradation, as we get to control the adults and children and broader elements of the culture that they interact with, and how to interpret it.

It works well for us, and our family.
It's a tried and true normal practice for all of human history.
School is the new thing. It's original stated purpose is know as it was written and discussed quite openly, initially.

After the post war era the desired result and purpose of education started to change and new cultural ideas were pushed to culturally change countries generationally. This was also written about and published.

It's something we've thought about and looked into and we've decided that its not for us.

Interesting that meny qualified teachers make the same choice, just like of the few who work in tech programming and social media who actually have children of their own have extremely stricted rules about zero mobile phone, pad, app tech being used and even viewed by their own children, all the while pushing it on others and their children.
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But how will kids ever get a chance to be indoctrinated into being gay communists if they don’t ever go to a public school?? The nerve of some people…
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