But.......someone else went out and found the game FOR you, you did not Hunt the game, you did not "scout" the area, someone else scouted for you, hunted for you. You simply killed an animal someone else did the hunting part.
Where is the "sport" in having someone land you in the middle of a migrating herd of Caribou.
I am unclear what we should call this experience. Seems far removed from the classic concept of "hunting".
I am 75 y/o and have been hunting for 68 of those years, 52 of those years Alaska resident hunter, and retired hunting guide. I know what I consider hunting. Now this is just my opinion, but when I open the cabin window or door, and shoot a moose, or caribou, or wolf, or black bear, or brown bear..........I don't consider that "hunting". I am not sure what it should be called, but the "hunting" part was not included.
Hunting has been slowly corrupted, over the decades, it is now a High Production, High Profit, fast food take-out type experienc
Help with two things please:
- I have back to back patients late through the day on the 17th, so I can't call-in. I did a quick search to find a link to submit written comment, but I didn't find one in my quick search. Anyone have that link handy?
- I've reached a point that I want to ignore a specific member...it's time for me to do that. I've never activated the "ignore" option previously. I found it, but I'm having operator error trying to get it allow me to enter the member's user name. Any quick tips please?
Thank you guys!
Feel your pain but I am going to try to do it. I have some latitude in my practice and would like to verbally do this but have a question. Is it beneficial to have more people writing in. Even if you plan to call in should you also write you opinion to them.