Hippy scum Rainbow Family coming to CO

The right to use it illegally?

The Forest Service requires a special use permit for every public group of 75 people or more conducting a meeting or event on National Forest System lands. The Rainbow Family has consistently refused to comply with the permit process during national gatherings.

That is directly from the Forest Service's Website regarding this year's rainbow gathering. Link below

Aww missed the no permit part

By the sounds of the artie the forest service caters to them and uses the farce it's in the best interest of the community just to let them
Trash the place
How about local law enforcement gets ahead of it by stopping them and turn them back the way them came before they get anywhere near it
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It didnt seem that bad because 99% of the people who live in Taos are identical in every way to the type of scum that attends rainbow gatherings. There’s literally no difference between a rainbow hippie and a Taos resident.
Sounds like the opinion of a typical tourist that never bothered to leave the bed and breakfast above the art gallery...
The right to use it illegally?

The Forest Service requires a special use permit for every public group of 75 people or more conducting a meeting or event on National Forest System lands. The Rainbow Family has consistently refused to comply with the permit process during national gatherings.

That is directly from the Forest Service's Website regarding this year's rainbow gathering. Link below

Fundamentally, he has a point. Public land is public and should be for the public to use.
But people should be held individually accountable for destroying public land as well.
The problem is we know the authorities would never put the work in to hold all the people responsible for destroying the land.
They should be rounded up to do farm labor/fuels reduction THEN paid just enough to not create a burden and then be granted permission to celebrate. The whole thing would be great if just a little bit of work was involved.
Their disrespect for the community and land has already started this week multiple spots going to their area where they’re pulled alongside the road opened the doors of their vehicles and kicked all their trash out. Going into our grocery store where my daughter works washing their hair in the veggie misters, and are rude as hell to the store employees. They can go back to whatever hole they crawled out of.
Yes, we agree that aggressively ignorant stereotypes persist.

Sorry but Taos is right up there with Santa Fe as the most liberal towns in a very blue state. It’s absolutely no surprise that the impact of these rainbow people would be downplayed in places like Taos. Sorry, it is what it is.