Hippy scum Rainbow Family coming to CO

Such is the dichotomy of public land usage. However, if they leave it trashed, they should be disallowed future gatherings. Leave no trace or GTFO.
They have no respect for the land they hold their gatherings on.. If you have the unfortunate opportunity to be on duty or have to deal with these folks, I suggest you do it on well trained horses. It's the only way to move throughout them without them mobbing you. They love to surround you and give you their love and hugs and direct you away from the illegal activities going on. They will still try if you are on horseback, hence having a well trained horse you can just push through them.. Good luck to whoever gets that assignment.
Wow. I just looked it up on Youtube and holy crap. Fire dancers, drum circles and ladies dancing with their big ol milkers out. At one point looked like they were talking to Forest Rangers or CPW Officers but doesnt look like they kicked them out of there.
It's been a while but we happened uponed this in the Cranberry Wilderness area of WV years ago and it was a sight to see. The visitors center was packed with ambulances in preparation.