My experience with the group is limited. Because I didn’t feel the need to go check out the gatherings they had on NF here. Instead, a friend working for the USFS told me the problems. Drugs, litter, rapes, etc….
Not unlike outdoor concerts, it seemed like there is always people in the vast minority, causing problems the majority accept. So, with any large group, there are going to be issues caused by sone people. Accepting it is as bad as doing it in my book.
No one should have the right to tear up public ground and ruin it with human waste and trash. Our money should be used to enforce laws put into place to prevent this. The local government should be voted out if they don’t help prevent this. The usfs has the concerns right. But, are limited with the man power needed to prevent this stuff. Instead, we ask these people to babysit those people bent on partying away reality?
Reality should be a 100 man swat team, with canines, pepper spray, flash bangs, and a pissed off attitude for having to deal with people intent on doing what they want at the expense of others.
Tent jails work great. Arrest everyone, put them in these jails for a year. So the sun bakes them and the cold threatens to kill them. Work details cleaning up the mess at start. County trash pickup, roadside cleanup, etc… should be the norm for their year in jail.
They might break the law again in another NF. But, they won’t break it in that one again. If this just treatment was enforced a couple times, problem solved.