Hippy scum Rainbow Family coming to CO

I have first hand experience dealing with the logistics of the problems and mess they create. It lives up to the hype. When they set up on national forest that's a good thing because there is a large group of law enforcement personnel from the forest service that shows up and the feds have deep pockets for that stuff.
When I was a youngster, they stayed in the town that I lived in for a while. There is a spot on the baseball diamond where they camped that the grass still hasn't grown back. That was back in 1982! 😂
They've been on the national forest land around West Michigan several times. Last time they were here it turned out to be one of the more difficult weeks that I've had doing hospital security. I had more use of force reports in that week than Ive ever had. Bunch of stinky, dirty hippies dropping acid and making suicidal comments. If I'm remembering correctly some local boys made it not fun anymore and they moved out pretty quickly.
A few years ago they had their main gathering less than 2 miles from my house in an area I had been scouting and running cameras planning to hunt that fall. >6000 arrived in the area. More were expected, but it was too far and they were too busy rioting in Portland at that time.

I will stipulate that most are pretty harmless, but if 1% are violent criminals, then there were now 60 in the area with little / no law enforcement. Rapes on the grounds occurred. Expect local retail theft, burglaries, vandalism, hit & runs, etc from even those not in the 1%. Oh, and lots of drugs. Years ago, one of the FBI Most Wanted pedophiles frequented the group / gathering. It is not a place for kids. Curious locals of all types are also drawn to the spectacle…. as Rush used to say, “an endless parade of human debris”. I coined the phrase “feral humans” because some were.

Watch Facebook for lots of humorous anecdotes. One “open minded” local pontificated at length extolling the virtues of these good people, until his car was vandalized. Another woman won’t ever come back because she was assaulted and no one would come to her assistance when she was screaming. Thankfully, we had a lot of rain. They complained that their pit toilets were overflowing and running through their camps (I wondered how they could tell). Our local black bear population wasn’t impressed and raided their camps, causing consternation among the campers.

The USFS was on point and did the best they could without much assistance from state agencies and ZERO assistance from the county, who made it known they didn’t want anyone arrested… In fact, county “health” department welcomed them with taxpayer funded first aid kits and condoms handouts. USFS controlled access / egress and made it a one-way area, so it kept most from going past my house.

For loving the earth so much, they are most definitely NOT zero-trace. But to be fair, a cadre remained after the event and made a strong effort to clean up the area. I don’t know how you get so low on the totem pole of life to janitor (an honorable trade) for these people, or how many trips they made to town in the white van they had to fill local business’ dumpsters, but I have to give credit that they did a decent job.

If you can organize it, I’d recommend a local effort to get some 30 yard dumpsters for them. I heard one area did it with good success. Tow operator will be busy and get several abandoned vehicles. I’d also recommend coordinating a local neighborhood watch of sorts.

The forest was not the same that year and I hunted elsewhere.
My experience with the group is limited. Because I didn’t feel the need to go check out the gatherings they had on NF here. Instead, a friend working for the USFS told me the problems. Drugs, litter, rapes, etc….

Not unlike outdoor concerts, it seemed like there is always people in the vast minority, causing problems the majority accept. So, with any large group, there are going to be issues caused by sone people. Accepting it is as bad as doing it in my book.

No one should have the right to tear up public ground and ruin it with human waste and trash. Our money should be used to enforce laws put into place to prevent this. The local government should be voted out if they don’t help prevent this. The usfs has the concerns right. But, are limited with the man power needed to prevent this stuff. Instead, we ask these people to babysit those people bent on partying away reality?

Reality should be a 100 man swat team, with canines, pepper spray, flash bangs, and a pissed off attitude for having to deal with people intent on doing what they want at the expense of others.

Tent jails work great. Arrest everyone, put them in these jails for a year. So the sun bakes them and the cold threatens to kill them. Work details cleaning up the mess at start. County trash pickup, roadside cleanup, etc… should be the norm for their year in jail.

They might break the law again in another NF. But, they won’t break it in that one again. If this just treatment was enforced a couple times, problem solved.
They going to be ripping around in side by sides with tomato beer cans flipping out? Leaving non-biodegradable wipes everywhere? Leaving beer cans at campsites among other items. Using trails closed to motorized vehicles or just making their own trails?
My experience with the group is limited. Because I didn’t feel the need to go check out the gatherings they had on NF here. Instead, a friend working for the USFS told me the problems. Drugs, litter, rapes, etc….

Not unlike outdoor concerts, it seemed like there is always people in the vast minority, causing problems the majority accept. So, with any large group, there are going to be issues caused by sone people. Accepting it is as bad as doing it in my book.

No one should have the right to tear up public ground and ruin it with human waste and trash. Our money should be used to enforce laws put into place to prevent this. The local government should be voted out if they don’t help prevent this. The usfs has the concerns right. But, are limited with the man power needed to prevent this stuff. Instead, we ask these people to babysit those people bent on partying away reality?

Reality should be a 100 man swat team, with canines, pepper spray, flash bangs, and a pissed off attitude for having to deal with people intent on doing what they want at the expense of others.

Tent jails work great. Arrest everyone, put them in these jails for a year. So the sun bakes them and the cold threatens to kill them. Work details cleaning up the mess at start. County trash pickup, roadside cleanup, etc… should be the norm for their year in jail.

They might break the law again in another NF. But, they won’t break it in that one again. If this just treatment was enforced a couple times, problem solved.
you remember this?? https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/rainbow-murders-unsolved-vicki-durian-nancy-santomero
WV Mountaineer:

My understanding was USFS LE would love to enforce the laws consistently and fairly with regards to permitting this event. But under previous administrations (think 2008-2016) high ranking members of the department of interior supported / attended these events. Precedence’s were set.
WV Mountaineer:

My understanding was USFS LE would love to enforce the laws consistently and fairly with regards to permitting this event. But under previous administrations (think 2008-2016) high ranking members of the department of interior supported / attended these events. Precedence’s were set.
I agree. I was told the same by my buddy. That’s where the accepting part of my rant was directed. Towards anyone and everyone complacent in something such as this.
In our state local LE is preeminent. In this case, the local sheriff’s department was “hands off”, putting it charitably. More like “run away”. Had it occurred an another county, resources would have been mustered, preparations made, and enforcement coordinated.