high fence whitetail

To take the opinion and any like or dislike out of this, selective breeding is by definition genetic manipulation. Teosinte is the genetic ancestor of modern corn. It was selectively bred over many generations to enhance kernel production to the point where modern corn displays little physical (phenotypic) resemblance to teosinte and is now genetically (genotypically) different. Wild mustard, the genetic ancestor, was selectively bred to produce cauliflower, brussel sprouts and broccoli. All four plants now have different physical characteristics and are genetically different. Selectively breeding horses and donkeys produces mules which have a different number of chromosomes from either parent, are sterile, and therefore unable to fertilize, or be fertilized by, either parent species. They are genetically different. Selective breeding artificially manipulates the genetic makeup of the resultant offspring. It is through that genetic manipulation that we obtain the characteristics we desire which are further refined over subsequent generations. This is also often accompanied by unintended and undesired consequences unrelated to the characteristics we’re selecting for. Genotype (genetic makeup) drives phenotype (physical characteristics). Selective breeding is different than recombinant DNA technology but both alter genetic makeup.

All that said, I like my game animals the way nature makes them.
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I wish somebody would let me go shoot my own cow and get it processed!!!

I'm sure it'd be pretty easy if you asked around with a price that made it worth the ranchers time. Less of a market when people wont get positive attention for posting hero pics or have antlers to hang on their wall though.