Hide Tanner in Western Wyoming

May 8, 2017
Hey all,
If I am fortunate enough to shoot an elk this year, I will be doing the meat processing myself. However, I would love to get the hide tanned (never had this done but always wanted to). Does anyone have a taxidermist or tanner that they would recommend in Western Wyoming (Pinedale, Afton area) or even southwestern Wyoming (can drop off on our way back through that part), or even somewhere in Utah near the 15 freeway on the way back to California? Thanks in advance. Best of luck to everyone this fall.
I used Steve Fetzner is in Cora, North of Pinedale https://fetznertaxidermy.com/ he sends hides and capes out .

Other Pinedale Taxidermists:

Fish Tales Taxidermy, Susan Damron
3 Skyview Dr, Pinedale, Wyoming, 82941, 307-749-6112
High Country Taxidermy LLC
3 Skyview Drive, PO Box 2206, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-2390, Cell: 307-360-7337
Larry Newbys Taxidermy
110 Black Rock Road, Daniel, WY 83115, 307-413-8074
Sublette Taxidermy
59 Prairie Creek Rd, Daniel, Wyoming 83115, 307-859-8290
Moyle Mink and Tannery in Heyburn Idaho. It has to be salted and dried or drop it off in person and they may flesh it for you. Call and talk with them about dropping off a hide green.
They do great work, have several hides from them. Prices is good as well, can't beat them for bison tanning.
We have 2 bison, couple of moose hides and several furs they tanned for us.