Cheyenne Wyoming taxidermist


Jan 7, 2021
I opened a small taxidermist shop in Cheyenne Wyoming. I'm specializing in furs and hides, see price list attached but also for any of you out of staters I am offering a service to cape and skull cap you're kill to take back to be mounted by your local taxidermist's, this will make it legal to cross any state lines with no brain material intact. If your staying in or around Cheyenne overnight I can freeze your cape also.
Capping and skull cap vary based on species and if cape needs to be frozen.
Good luck this fall!
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Good to see another skin in the game hope you get lots of business this fall.

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Are you doing the tanning yourself or sending them out?
Currently most smaller items we will do ourselves, bigger items we have 2 tanneries that we'll work. Based on demand, in the future we are keeping all options on the table to expand.
Want something different with your antlers and horns? We got you covered with a truly one of a kind plaque mount.
The fur over plaque mount can be used for any type of horned or antlers game, and any type of fur you can think of. Since every set of antlers, horns, and fur are unique, you will truly have the only one like it!
Broken skull plate, Grandpa's kill from 50 years ago, just got one yesterday, we can do them all.
Prices vary depending on the type of fur used, but start at $175 and up. Will ship out of state for cost.1000005283.jpg1000005286.jpg1000005276.jpg1000005279.jpg1000005280.jpg1000005282.jpg