
Jan 29, 2017
Precisely! When the pump shuts down, the flow stops.
They can bleed internally, too. Think of a milk jug with a slightly smaller water balloon inside. If you shoot the top of the balloon, little or no water will hit the ground, but the balloon is still popped.

Dakota Dude

Sep 24, 2019
The last two bulls I've shot didn't bleed externally at all. It was all internal. Last year I didn't find a spec of blood and just happened to find him grid searching. I heard him tip over and kick, so I knew he was dead. It was just so thick that I couldn't find him. I searched for 2 hours and only found one pin drop. I searched another hour and found about 8 inches of my arrow.

The one I shot last Saturday only had a few drops by where he crashed, but I saw his antlers tip over through the thick brush about 60 yards away. I didn't look hard, but I couldn't find any blood where I shot him or the first 20 yards or so. It was thick cover again, but I knew he was dead. After 2 people searching for about 20 minutes I did a quick fan search and found him. Once I butchered him it was obvious all the blood stayed internal. Gallons of blood were pooled in the cavity.

I switched to fixed blades last year (QAD Exodus). They obviously do the job, but the blood trails are nothing like my old rages. I'll probably switch back next fall.

Don't give up and good luck.
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Jan 14, 2019
Search 1000 yards in ALL directions.

I have unfortunately been in your shoes in years past. You owe it to the animal and yourself to put in a few solid days of searching. Stay at it and keep your spirits up. Wounding an animal is a terrible feeling.

While everyone likes to say they go down hill or to water or away from pressure or x y z it simply is not ultimately true. A few years ago a bull turned and I was unbelievably surprised at what I thought was a broadside shot at 20yd, arrow entered behind the shoulder but passed through guts as if it was quartered to hard. Hit a main blood line in rear leg on the way out and bled like crazy for 100yds then nothing. Found next day when I bumped a coyote in open timber about to drop down into a hell hole and starting gridding. 1000 yards up hill, 90 degrees off from original blood trail, opposite direction of water, towards a main trail.
Sep 13, 2016
If he's quartering away facing left you may have barely clipped a lung judging by where the blood spot is on that pic. I wouldn't stop looking, but I also wouldn't be holding my breath on that one.
I would agree. That bull may not be dead....yet. Looks to be a shoulder hit, quartering through the neck on the opposite side.


Apr 28, 2024
Frontal at close range, what could possibly go wrong? 🙄
yeah, I had been wildly opposed to that shot for a long time but sortof got talked into it’s viability during my research for this hunt. Believe me it’s the first and only one I’ll take. I really was convinced he was so close there was no way he could move. Wildly underestimated their speed.
His summary nailed it, so his reading and comprehension skills are outstanding.

His advice is also spot on; go track the animal you chose to shoot in real life. The Internet cannot do that for you.

Lack of blood is not something that assures a non-lethal hit. You can make a lethal high lung shot without a speck of blood hitting the ground until the bull lies down.

It sounds like you want to abandon the search and are looking for someone to write something that will ease your conscience.

If you're trying to tag that bull, you should be hunting him and looking to make another shot instead of tracking him and hoping to find him dead. Think miles instead of yards and spend some time behind glass.
NO! I am certainly not looking for a bail out, the opposite. I am looking for intuition about where he could have sought shelter or general distances they trabel after similar shots. Miles instead of yards. Got it.
Sep 13, 2016
They are wildly tough animals. You see pictures every year of broadheads, arrow shafts and bullets that get pulled out on butchered animals. Best of luck to you OP, hope you find your bull.


Jun 8, 2020
CO Springs
yeah, I had been wildly opposed to that shot for a long time but sortof got talked into it’s viability during my research for this hunt. Believe me it’s the first and only one I’ll take. I really was convinced he was so close there was no way he could move. Wildly underestimated their speed.

NO! I am certainly not looking for a bail out, the opposite. I am looking for intuition about where he could have sought shelter or general distances they trabel after similar shots. Miles instead of yards. Got it.
Hard to say for sure without a toppo of the area and i wouldnt be releasing a toppo of any hunting spot on the internet. He likely headed for a bedding area and laid down, i'd run ridges within a mile and i'd be looking for crows and ravens.


Jun 30, 2020
I'm thinking the penetration got plugged with body fat, and any blood that did come out was absorbed by the hair. Just go back to where you shot from and where he was, then start a grid search. Two of the Elk I have shot left no noticeable blood trail, but we found them both by doing exactly as I mentioned. keep at it.
Feb 17, 2013
I’ll say this…. I’ve been hunting elk most of my life. You are certainly a respectful and humble hunter. You handle constructive criticism very well. I think you will learn from your mistakes and do very well in the future. Never give up.

As a seasoned elk Hunter, I have to say when I hear newer hunters say things like elk hunting is easy after getting lucky on a first hunt or that they are prepared to take 100 yard shots with a bow, I get a little uneasy. There’s nothing easy about elk hunting if you’re doing it right and elk are really tough animals so you shouldn’t take unnecessary risks. Next time hold off for a few more seconds and hopefully you’ll get a broadside shot. Best of luck to you.