This is where I scratch my head at the concept of shooting and then leaving. There's a distinct commonality with ALL of the lost animal conversations, and that is the POI is unknown. So much can happen with that animal's track in an hour, let alone 8 or a full day. I am certain some of the "didn't find any blood" stories are because the person couldn't remember where they and the animal were when they shot. I also can't fathom how a hunter expects to kill with a follow up shot when they are back at camp or in their truck (or online seeking "help").
We start tracking immediately, and would have no qualms in shutting it down if a situation dictated. However, nobody knows what that situation is until they work it out. Aside from not taking questionable shots, that has led to 100% recovery and we are moving meat within an hour after the shot. Rather than letting it rot.