Help me spend my money


Feb 9, 2017
Here’s the dilemma.
Do I get into reloading and buy a starter kit. Or buy the Kifaru Lostpark Parka?
And GO!

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wtf? :D
Those two things aren't even closely related.
If you have money for only one, would you rather sit on a hill in a jacket and be warm?
Or sit on that hill with a bullet you made to shoot?
About three weeks ago I was a perfectly happy person. Then I got into reloading. Now all I can think about is powder and bullet combos, what if this $100 doodad will help, what will this $100 improve... if anyone tries to tell you you will save money by reloading, stomp on their toe and punch them in the teeth, you only come close to saving if shoot a lot already. This reloading thing is a sickness. Get the parka.
wtf? :D
Those two things aren't even closely related.
If you have money for only one, would you rather sit on a hill in a jacket and be warm?
Or sit on that hill with a bullet you made to shoot?

That what makes it fun, right? I just got a 28 nosler there aren’t many options for factory ammo out there. I know reloading doesn’t save unless I shoot a lot. But it sure sounds like a fun money pit. :)

The parka I don’t Really need either. But they’re bomb proof warm and I just happen to have a hole in my gear selection for that type of item.

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Sounds to me like you do need a reloader more then the LPP. Are you looking at the Lee single stage?
Ok, so, what do you want to do more?
Learn, tinker and test loads for your gun?
Or be cold when it's cold outside?

I love reloading and playing with different loads.
I love being warm when it's cold.

If it's one or the other, pick black, double money and buy both.
Being that spring is here, id buy reloading stuff now, save up for parka during the summer and buy it before fall
Both good options.
When I was getting into it I was looking at kits and then shopped around and pieced my own kit together using sales and coupons around the web. Ended up with everything I needed and wanted for less cost than a kit. That's been years though so kits might be the more economical option now.
Haha you guys are funny, I’m pretty sure the op has a coat of some kind he can wear.

I vote get into reloading, it’s fun and you can do it year round while you’ll only wear the parka a few times a year.
I do have some jackets. I have some FL gear and make sure pretty well with what I have. The LP Parka is just so talked about that i feel like km missing out.
I’m leaning more towards reloading. I have the 28 nosler, and an old 7x57 Mauser that will be fun to make loads for. Also the wife has started to show an interest in shooting, I figure I can reload 9mm quite a bit cheaper per round than buying it. Especially since I have been saving up brass for a few years.

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Now you've thrown a HUGE wrench in the gear!
I change my vote to the Parka, since have now stated you now want to reload rifles as well as a pistol.
Reloading for the 9 on a single stage press will get old very quickly and then you will want/need a multi stage press which is even more money.
Sure, you can reload the 9 on the single stage but you could also ride a horse to work but would rather drive your truck. the parka so you don't feel like you're missing out on anything and continue the reloading research for a few more months until you decide exactly what you want to do and budget for in the reloading game.
For most rifle reloading, I use Single stage. For pistol I use a progressive. For 5.56, I use a turret press. I own RCBS and Lee presses. I buy my hunting clothes second hand on ebay and Rokslide. I stay warm, kill a lot of stuff, and have fun. I vote reloader. God Bless men
Now you've thrown a HUGE wrench in the gear!
I change my vote to the Parka, since have now stated you now want to reload rifles as well as a pistol.
Reloading for the 9 on a single stage press will get old very quickly and then you will want/need a multi stage press which is even more money.
Sure, you can reload the 9 on the single stage but you could also ride a horse to work but would rather drive your truck. the parka so you don't feel like you're missing out on anything and continue the reloading research for a few more months until you decide exactly what you want to do and budget for in the reloading game.

Ok so I won’t plan on reloading pistol ammo with the single stage then, I guess I will just have to get a progressive for that later on down the road. :)

Or maybe I sit on the slush fund for a bit and see what else tickles my interest.

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I’d start reloading but if all you have to spend is the price of a LPP, then get the jacket; because just getting started reloading for a rifle is going to cost you WAY more than the jacket.

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