Help me spend my money

If you're going to shoot a lot you'll probably want a ATX/STX 95 with a 1.7 Magnifier to see your the way I have a Magnifier for sale in the Classifieds.
I may be way off base here since I have never owned a center fire rifle but it sounds to me like you need to get the coat and another gun of the not mass produced caliber. Then the reloader becomes a need not a want and you will have a nice coat for your stay in the dog house.
... I reload for accuracy reasons, and not so much to save money. Seeing that you bought a 28, I’m guessing you intend to stretch it out a little? If long range shooting is what you’re after, then definitely start reloading..... (but I think I’d still try to buy the LP Parka if you do much late season hunting.)
My money would go into reloading. I will warn you though, the kits only get you about half of what you need. I’m sure you can make do with the kits, but you will want a lot more gadgets once you start making ammo. I bought a RCBS press a few years ago and haven’t stoped buying since. It is a very addictive hobby once you start seeing how good you can tailor your ammo to your rifle. Once I figure one out I can’t wait to start in another one. Then, when I get them all figured out I try to make them all shoot even better. People say you will not save money reloading because you will shoot more. That has been true for me but I enjoy shooting so much more now. Also, I imagine ammo is not cheap for your 28. You will be able to load a box of those for a small fraction of what you are paying. If I just looked at it from that perspective, I would be able to see that I’ve saved a lot more money reloading than I spent.
I only shoot boring normal cartridges for hunting (308, 30-06, 375HH) so I do t really need to reload. I got a LPP and I love it, I wouldn’t get rid of it, it’s a great piece of gear.
If I decide to go the reloading route it’s looking like about a $350 investment to get some minimum equipment and 1 set of dies.
Hornady lock n load press kit
Casing tumbler
Powder trickler
Shell holders

Anything else I’m missing that will be critical to starting out. (Other than bullets, primers, powder)

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If I decide to go the reloading route it’s looking like about a $350 investment to get some minimum equipment and 1 set of dies.
Hornady lock n load press kit
Casing tumbler
Powder trickler
Shell holders

Anything else I’m missing that will be critical to starting out. (Other than bullets, primers, powder)

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Yeah, you're missing another 200 bucks in powder, brass, primers, bullets. To just create your fisrt round. And then when you don't get the group you want, buy it all over again. Nothing inexpensive about the road you're about to travel down.