Winchester XPR. It shoots great, the stock is about as good a you can get in a $400 rifle and the bolt and action are smooth as silk. Not picky about ammo or bullet weights, either. It is just a standard, inexpensive rifle that happens to be one of the better options out there at its price point.Sako makes the Model 85 Hunter in 6.5 CM with a 24.5" barrel.
What do you mean by "higher quality"? What is your current "cheap rifle".
There are hardly any options for upgrading the rifle, though. And I wouldn't probably do much since the barrel is excellent and the trigger is quite nice once lightened as far as it would go. But it is still just a very basic hunting rifle with a 22' barrel. I'd love another 6.5 Creedmoor set up a bit more for long range practice and hunting and different enough that I have a clear idea when the XPR or the new rifle is the correct one to take from the safe.