Have we talked about female hunter under fire for posing with a kill with a, um, toy?

I saw her at Sci one year at the piano bar at New York New York making out with like 3 guys. She’s super classy.

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Her Response,

I sincerely apologize to the hunting community for the recent unnecessary media attention this situation is drawing. I pray everyone doesn’t believe the published falsehoods and thank you for giving me a chance to explain what would ultimately turn out to be a cleverly designed smear campaign and an ugly media circus:

Regarding the horrific photo: Someone dug an old photo up from the grave hoping to capitalize on the press from a legal management hunt for an invasive species of goat. I stood my ground on the legal goat kill because it was the right thing to do, and continue to do so.

I am appalled at this fist imagery. Though I do not apologize for pictures of me with organic food, I do apologize for this ridiculous photo. It in no way represents anything other than a set- up/smear campaign by someone who wanted to capitalize on recent publicity that arose from my participation in the management of an invasive species of goat, and the ensuing public dismay over my gender and appearance.

Here is how the photo transpired: As my professional photographer was taking some final shots, the guide tossed me the item, said “smile” and quickly snapped and shared a picture before I fully registered what had taken place. To be clear, the photo taken by the guide occurred as my regular cameraman was also taking stills, so my attention was in several different directions.

That item was a gag gift from a birthday party’s revelry the night before: not mine. I don’t know why someone brought it into the field. The only relationship between this object and my hunt was inadvertently being photographed with it - I was not intentionally posing with a sex toy to create a disrespectful image, but I do accept responsibility for the terrible way it looks.

Shortly thereafter, I was informed by one of my crew that several of the guides had been seen apparently doing drugs. I don’t know if it was true or not but between these allegations and other inappropriateness, I swiftly canceled the next hunt that I originally had booked with these people.

With regard to media statements of Jenna Gearing: she left the hunt early simply to care for a sick aunt, not in a righteous outrage. As I had cut the hunt with the guide who set up the nauseating photo, I asked Gearing to advise me of a more suitable outfitter for the next day. She kindly set me up with a good friend who was an outfitter. She posted her joy at hunting with me the following month on Instagram, looking happy and pleased as punch. This isn’t the behavior of a person outraged by my moral values, nor of someone who thinks I shouldn’t hunt in the UK. She has remained in friendly contact with me through October. I have texts and evidence to support this.

Gearing’s apparent dishonesty was wrong and is affecting my reputation. It’s ludicrous hypocrisy for a woman who eats raw deer heart on camera to accuse me of barbarism. Releasing this photo and these statements only hurts the entire hunting community.

Women need to stand up for themselves when these things happen, as there is trend to rabidly attack females who hunt. My intent is to show the world the opportunities hunting entails. This smear campaign derails that goal.

I would like to offer a truce. This nonsense is unnecessary, inauthentic, unhelpful to those of us that care about conservation. Stop the insanity and slander. It’s a self-serving distraction and damages the hunting community and resulting conservation opportunities.
A few of my “what happens in Vegas” stories include that bar.

One of my favorite bars in Vegas. We were on a super bowl trip with 5-6 guys one year and we ended up there at like midnight after the game. That bar is small and perfect for talking to random people. Somehow we all started telling random strangers that one of our buddy’s had just come out of the closet. so everyone was walking up and congratulating him and he had no clue why so was just saying thank you. Once he figured out why he was pissed no one bought him a drink *

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Her Response,

I sincerely apologize to the hunting community for the recent unnecessary media attention this situation is drawing. I pray everyone doesn’t believe the published falsehoods and thank you for giving me a chance to explain what would ultimately turn out to be a cleverly designed smear campaign and an ugly media circus:

Regarding the horrific photo: Someone dug an old photo up from the grave hoping to capitalize on the press from a legal management hunt for an invasive species of goat. I stood my ground on the legal goat kill because it was the right thing to do, and continue to do so.

I am appalled at this fist imagery. Though I do not apologize for pictures of me with organic food, I do apologize for this ridiculous photo. It in no way represents anything other than a set- up/smear campaign by someone who wanted to capitalize on recent publicity that arose from my participation in the management of an invasive species of goat, and the ensuing public dismay over my gender and appearance.

Here is how the photo transpired: As my professional photographer was taking some final shots, the guide tossed me the item, said “smile” and quickly snapped and shared a picture before I fully registered what had taken place. To be clear, the photo taken by the guide occurred as my regular cameraman was also taking stills, so my attention was in several different directions.

That item was a gag gift from a birthday party’s revelry the night before: not mine. I don’t know why someone brought it into the field. The only relationship between this object and my hunt was inadvertently being photographed with it - I was not intentionally posing with a sex toy to create a disrespectful image, but I do accept responsibility for the terrible way it looks.

Shortly thereafter, I was informed by one of my crew that several of the guides had been seen apparently doing drugs. I don’t know if it was true or not but between these allegations and other inappropriateness, I swiftly canceled the next hunt that I originally had booked with these people.

With regard to media statements of Jenna Gearing: she left the hunt early simply to care for a sick aunt, not in a righteous outrage. As I had cut the hunt with the guide who set up the nauseating photo, I asked Gearing to advise me of a more suitable outfitter for the next day. She kindly set me up with a good friend who was an outfitter. She posted her joy at hunting with me the following month on Instagram, looking happy and pleased as punch. This isn’t the behavior of a person outraged by my moral values, nor of someone who thinks I shouldn’t hunt in the UK. She has remained in friendly contact with me through October. I have texts and evidence to support this.

Gearing’s apparent dishonesty was wrong and is affecting my reputation. It’s ludicrous hypocrisy for a woman who eats raw deer heart on camera to accuse me of barbarism. Releasing this photo and these statements only hurts the entire hunting community.

Women need to stand up for themselves when these things happen, as there is trend to rabidly attack females who hunt. My intent is to show the world the opportunities hunting entails. This smear campaign derails that goal.

I would like to offer a truce. This nonsense is unnecessary, inauthentic, unhelpful to those of us that care about conservation. Stop the insanity and slander. It’s a self-serving distraction and damages the hunting community and resulting conservation opportunities.
I'm not buying what she's trying to sell. At all.

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She realized she screwed up and is trying to save her pathetic career.
I don't believe it for a minute. She is PROUDLY holding that thing out in front for the camera... and she has blood on her finger where she participated in "bloodying up" the instrument.
That's one of the stupidest back peddling statements I have seen. This women needs to go away and not return, ever.
Hate it when a guide throws a bloody fist at me outta nowhere!

How stupid does she think people are? Where did the blood come from?
Jenna is Mr G’s (Rob Gearing) daughter.

I’ve sent her Larissa statement which I imagine she will have something to say about and will post a response if she thinks it’s appropriate.

Suffice to say Jenna’s version of things differs significantly...
Can't imagine why a guide packs a dildo around, drugs or not. If you're taking picture of me in a hunt and randomly toss me a sex toy, I can assure you the next photo will not be one of me proudly holding it smiling. People like this don't belong in our hunting community. To be clear, I'm in no way offended or upset, I wouldn't even care...except that this sort of stupidity is exactly what turns someone who doesn't mind hunting into someone who thinks we're a bunch of idiots who shoot stuff to watch it die.

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Her “professional photographer” set her up to take photos with a goat with a farm fence in the background??
hahahaha... every day im a little less excited about society and this outrage bandwagon.
there is a lot of shit out there to be legitimately upset about... I don't think this is one of those things.
I, having been a high school and college athlete, and now work in law enforcement, (locker room talk about pussy grabbing happens... people get sex toys and dolls as gag gifts, and theres always someone with a camera ready to send it to their mom) have seen (and done) way worse things for shits and giggles, and seen played out versions of her story, involving passed out tea bags, dicks drawn on faces, and way worse... im not going to say I believe her, and im not going to say I don't believe her. what im saying is I can see it being true, and ive seen it in real life. do a google image search for hunters and dildos and you might be amazed what you find.

in the grand scheme of things, this gal isn't important, and with or without this picture, people will hate and argue for and against hunting while hypocritically shoving dead animals down their gullet.

get over it, grow some skin, and move on to the next topic.
One last response from Mr G and I’ll leave it there...

I think the picture is clear and nothing more is needed, but just to be clear Jenna did use the excuse of her auntie being ill to leave, because she was being British and did not want to create anymore of a scene, yes Jenna has eaten raw heart and will continue to eat raw heart.

If this makes her guilty then so be it!

The Lady in the picture ( taken after Jenna left) holding a sex toy, covered in blood ( how did that happen I wonder ) clearly would be great at writing fiction.

One thing I have learned in my 55 years, if you are guilty, which I have been many times, hold your hand up and say sorry.

Jenna took the brave decision to depart because the lady in question refused to dress out a deer she shoot because she wanted a picture in the morning. Jenna, being a meat eater, explained that the meat would be ruined if the deer was not dressed out so did it anyway. The lady in question gave Jenna hell for this. Hence the sick Auntie which was used as an excuse to depart.

I know my daughter and anyone that knows her will know she puts most guys to shame with her courage. Many people would have just stuck around, Jenna had the balls to depart!

Enough said.

Mr G
"One thing I have learned in my 55 years, if you are guilty, which I have been many times, hold your hand up and say sorry. "

Yet we lied about our "sick auntie.".

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"One thing I have learned in my 55 years, if you are guilty, which I have been many times, hold your hand up and say sorry. "

Yet we lied about our "sick auntie.".

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I’m sorry I don’t understand your point.. what are you implying Jenna was guilty of that she needed to hold her hand up for?
Her farher, if I read that right, advocates honesty and taking responsibility for the other girl. Then justfies his daughter lying about a sick auntie. Amusing if nothing else.

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