I am just dumbfounded to equating what many would consider a “polite lie” as being worse than necrophilia. I am just not smart enough to wrap my head around this one.
It sounded to me about equivalent to telling your friend “no thank you, I had a big lunch” when he offers you some of his favorite tuna surprise casserole. Is it a lie yes, is it better than telling them. “Your an awful cook and that casserole is gross” I believe so, but I guess that is where our opinions differ.
It sounds like at the end of the day, a lot of bad decisions were made by everyone. We decide who to spend our time with and if you question their judgement give it the guide or a fellow hunter, best to just move on.
As for calling this “boys will be boys” and other BS excuses like that. Sorry mature adults do not need to act that way. These are adult professionals representing company’s and the sporting community. They failed in their responsibility to represent the company sponsors and the hunting community for that they deserve some blowback.
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Is it weird that I just texted that picture to my wife?
Yeah early in this thread someone posted something like "why post this everyone agrees its awful", well apparently we have people on here that think making up an excuse to get out of something is on the same level (or worse) of fisting a dead animal with a sex toy and then posing for a picture. Jesus.
I understand what Jmez is saying.
and no lying about why youre leaving early and posing with a bloody sex toy are not directly equivalent... the lying is way worse, and the line about woman up and being 100% honest in the same post make it absolutely hilarious and about the most hypocritical thing ive seen in a long while. woman up and say you don't condone this, don't want to be affiliated with it, or whatever... then leave... or just be silent and leave. but to lie about a sick aunt... that's pretty despicable.
fisting a dead animal with a sex toy..
did this actually happen?? Pretty stupid picture, and she sounds pretty "classy" by all accounts, but haven't seen that said as fact by anyone but you?????
Larysa Switlyk Is just a dummy who let someone take a stupid picture of her. The real cancer is whoever set the picture to the paper. They’re out to ruin Larysa Switlyk and are willing to run the entire hunting community through the mud to do it. Doing real damage to every hunter for their petty vengeance.
Post #100 said it was sent to HER contacts. Seems like she sent it out, then one of them either leaked it, or had someone see it and got it without their knowledge. From everything I've seen of hers, and to what I've read, she's absolutely stupid enough to have sent this out herself.Larysa Switlyk Is just a dummy who let someone take a stupid picture of her. The real cancer is whoever set the picture to the paper. They’re out to ruin Larysa Switlyk and are willing to run the entire hunting community through the mud to do it. Doing real damage to every hunter for their petty vengeance.
There's a dead animal (that doesn't appear to have been butchered/dressed yet) and a sex toy with blood on it. You tell me how it happened then.
There's a dead animal (that doesn't appear to have been butchered/dressed yet) and a sex toy with blood on it. You tell me how it happened then.
Well as most hunters know, when you kill an animal that can often result in blood becoming external to the creature. Sometimes there is only a little blood around an entry or exit wound, however at other times there can be massive pools and trails of blood left in the path the animal took to it's final resting place. It seems it would be quite simple to rub a little blood on an object for a photo. Maybe there's even an element of truth to her claim that it was another individual who passed her the bloodied object.
It seems today though that facts aren't as important to some. There's a sex toy, blood, and an animal, so that MUST mean she fisted the creature right? Yes, taking that photo was dumb. Yes, it has negative effects on the perceptions of hunters (who knows to what extent). However, we don't fully know the facts surrounding the situation. But I do suppose these days its guilty of whatever accusation we feel like throwing out until proven innocent...
Well as most hunters know, when you kill an animal that can often result in blood becoming external to the creature. Sometimes there is only a little blood around an entry or exit wound, however at other times there can be massive pools and trails of blood left in the path the animal took to it's final resting place. It seems it would be quite simple to rub a little blood on an object for a photo. Maybe there's even an element of truth to her claim that it was another individual who passed her the bloodied object.
It seems today though that facts aren't as important to some. There's a sex toy, blood, and an animal, so that MUST mean she fisted the creature right? Yes, taking that photo was dumb. Yes, it has negative effects on the perceptions of hunters (who knows to what extent). However, we don't fully know the facts surrounding the situation. But I do suppose these days its guilty of whatever accusation we feel like throwing out until proven innocent...
Seems to me if that bloody arm were tossed my way it would get slapped the the ground or side stepped and left alone. What happens at camp doesnt always stay at camp so you choose your fate when you catch it, hold it and smile for a camera. Sad sad state of a hunting rep.
Side note... I thought it was a mannequins arm from Walmart , shows what I know.