Have we talked about female hunter under fire for posing with a kill with a, um, toy?

Oh absolutely. Having been chewed out for dressing a deer out that Larysa wanted to leave overnight for photos, and then making her excuses and leaving is directly equivalent to posing with a bloody sex toy for photos... strewth...🤬

And nowhere does he advocate the idea that Jenna should take responsibility for the other girl. She’s a grown up and responsible for her own actions..
Ok ok...”the real housewife’s of the redneck woods”. You all saw it here first! Someone pay me for the rights! You’ve already got the main characters!
hahahaha... every day im a little less excited about society and this outrage bandwagon.
there is a lot of shit out there to be legitimately upset about... I don't think this is one of those things.
I, having been a high school and college athlete, and now work in law enforcement, (locker room talk about pussy grabbing happens... people get sex toys and dolls as gag gifts, and theres always someone with a camera ready to send it to their mom) have seen (and done) way worse things for shits and giggles, and seen played out versions of her story, involving passed out tea bags, dicks drawn on faces, and way worse... im not going to say I believe her, and im not going to say I don't believe her. what im saying is I can see it being true, and ive seen it in real life. do a google image search for hunters and dildos and you might be amazed what you find.

in the grand scheme of things, this gal isn't important, and with or without this picture, people will hate and argue for and against hunting while hypocritically shoving dead animals down their gullet.

get over it, grow some skin, and move on to the next topic.
I agree 100% with this. It was a picture that in hindsight isn’t in the best of taste. If I became famous and everything I did in poor judgment and taste came to light I could dominate the news cycle for months ! I’m not one of the animals are sacred crowd either so straddling an animal or posing it however doesn’t bother me a bit. I have some pictures on my phone right now that I’m sure would offend plenty here.
To those saying this is false outrage, and shifting blame to others.
Let's get practical, use an easy example. My seven year old son is pretty interested in pictures of dead animals, especially ones that I have arrowed and we get to eat ....however he likes others pictures too. He is forever saying look at this buck, or look at this bear ect ect.
I would rather not just yet have the conversation with him about how some people enjoy putting a fist in their orifices. Or how that can possibly relate to the dead farm animal she is pictured with.

Have we lost all freaking Sensibilities what so ever? WTF
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In America we call it hypocrisy.

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I would say we call that distancing ourself from a bad situation. His daughter admitted she made up the sick aunt part to get away from this idiot. Read that last statement again... she ADMITTED she did. Larysa is still trying to come up with an excuse, and no matter how many locker room pranks anyone has been in on, and I've seen a ton from my time in the Marines, this pic is going to blow up because of previous outrage people have for her. Hell at least there's no photographic evidence of the stupid stuff I've seen, true friends don't do that to each other.

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What’s not clear to me is who posted the picture ? Who is trying to run her down ? The picture is tasteless but whoever put it out for public consumption is ten times the A**h**e that the chick in the picture is. It’s a smear against her and hunting and if that’s by one of her fellow hunters then they’re the real enemy not the dummy with the dildo.
EW. Seriously. How desperate for attention do you need to be to post a photo like that? And now I can’t even look at the emoji the same way

That's about it in a nutshell.
I am, often, grateful that I did most of the stupid shit I did before the age of posting everything on the internet came along. Reckless, self destructive, not much for being well behaved. Sneaking up fast on 50 I,m still pretty much banned from any event that involves "culture ". Call that a win-win..
Get to remind myself on occasion that whatever lack of self respect, whatever stupidity somebody has come up with, that is still someone's daughter, sister, maybe a mother.
And I try to treat that person with the respect they are sometimes incapable of feeling or treating themselves with.

As far as outrage, I ain't got the time, energy, or give a shit to get myself worked into a lather over something stupid like this.

If something or someone causes or will cause harm to those I care about, then I tend to get a little bit cranky.
Your mileage may vary.
Wonder if she’s from PETA and posing as a hunter doing this to help destroy hunting?

As worked up as ppl get about this stupid stuff it’s a wonder they (peta) don’t start doing it. Once a month something stupid like this shows up and everybody is up in arms about it until the next month when another comes along. Ppl are always doing stupid things and in my opinion it’s nothing to get worked up about. You can’t stop it from happening and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s going to continue to happen. If stuff like this is going to put an end to hunting like some believe then hunting is doomed.

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Jmez you’re more than welcome to contact me anytime and I’ll happily explain the situation. Her actions which resulted in me leaving early I have not disclosed to the papers because they didn’t need to know. The photo was bad enough. It was not my doing sending it to the paper, shame on whoever did.
The only thing I can apologise for is being British and probably far too polite from the off. To make it clear, I have lied about nothing!
It was my grandma I went to see in a hospice following a stroke she had. Although a polite excuse to leave; was entirely what happened. Unfortunately she died shortly after but I’m glad I made the decision to leave the hunt early following the disrespectful and immoral behaviour I saw of the woman in question, and I’m glad I went to see my grandma.
My conscience is clear and i have said nothing but the truth. Take from this whatever you will but I stand behind all I have said.
I know I’m out of the loop about the whole soicial media hunter thing being as i’m not a user, but in what Universe is there space for some one like this??? And as I read it this is her second “mishap”? Some professional.
Jmez you’re more than welcome to contact me anytime and I’ll happily explain the situation. Her actions which resulted in me leaving early I have not disclosed to the papers because they didn’t need to know. The photo was bad enough. It was not my doing sending it to the paper, shame on whoever did.
The only thing I can apologise for is being British and probably far too polite from the off. To make it clear, I have lied about nothing!
It was my grandma I went to see in a hospice following a stroke she had. Although a polite excuse to leave; was entirely what happened. Unfortunately she died shortly after but I’m glad I made the decision to leave the hunt early following the disrespectful and immoral behaviour I saw of the woman in question, and I’m glad I went to see my grandma.
My conscience is clear and i have said nothing but the truth. Take from this whatever you will but I stand behind all I have said.

N need to explain, most of us understand the situation.
I understand what Jmez is saying.
and no lying about why youre leaving early and posing with a bloody sex toy are not directly equivalent... the lying is way worse, and the line about woman up and being 100% honest in the same post make it absolutely hilarious and about the most hypocritical thing ive seen in a long while. woman up and say you don't condone this, don't want to be affiliated with it, or whatever... then leave... or just be silent and leave. but to lie about a sick aunt... that's pretty despicable.

Oh absolutely. Having been chewed out for dressing a deer out that Larysa wanted to leave overnight for photos, and then making her excuses and leaving is directly equivalent to posing with a bloody sex toy for photos... strewth...��

And nowhere does he advocate the idea that Jenna should take responsibility for the other girl. She’s a grown up and responsible for her own actions..
Itstyrtrion I really needn’t explain myself any more. Read my above statement, I have not lied.
As stated above, I will happily explain the whole situation to anyone who seems to be clutching at straws.
To eliviate any confusion; The days hunting Larysa gut shot an animal. It happens now and again we’re all human, however, when I told her she must gut it ASAP to avoid spoiling meat she strongly disagreed and said she wanted to leave it whole implying the photo she wanted to take of it in the light the next morning was more important. Alongside an incredible amount of rudeness to everyone from her. I laid into her about it, made myself VERY clear I disagreed with her on this, made sure the animal was gutted, didn’t want to continue the hunt, left and went to see my grandma in the hospice.
In the days following the anal dildo photo was taken and sent round a number of her contacts. Need I make myself any clearer?
I am just dumbfounded to equating what many would consider a “polite lie” as being worse than necrophilia. I am just not smart enough to wrap my head around this one.

It sounded to me about equivalent to telling your friend “no thank you, I had a big lunch” when he offers you some of his favorite tuna surprise casserole. Is it a lie yes, is it better than telling them. “Your an awful cook and that casserole is gross” I believe so, but I guess that is where our opinions differ.

It sounds like at the end of the day, a lot of bad decisions were made by everyone. We decide who to spend our time with and if you question their judgement give it the guide or a fellow hunter, best to just move on.

As for calling this “boys will be boys” and other BS excuses like that. Sorry mature adults do not need to act that way. These are adult professionals representing company’s and the sporting community. They failed in their responsibility to represent the company sponsors and the hunting community for that they deserve some blowback.

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