you can go to this website to check status of your check or enter you direct deposit info if your check isnt in the mail yet:
Economic impact payments | Internal Revenue Service
We’re committed to helping you get your economic impact, or stimulus, payment as soon as possible. See if you are eligible for an Economic Impact
I was never able to get past this part...
Me too.I was never able to get past this part...
This is where we are too. We filed in 2018 and our married filing jointly AGI should qualify for the full amount. Haven’t filed 2019 yet.
I was out driving yesterday and the lines outside the pot shop and the liquor store were out into the parking lots lol.
So basically it was exactly the same as when the PFD is handed out in October.
Now the rest of the world knows what October is like in AK, 90” TV’s and substances hahaha.
Is there anyone on here that can explain why we only received $500 for two kids? Wife and I file married separate and each claimed one kid. I got the $500 and she got nothing. She's over the cap and received a reduced amount, but nothing for the kid she claimed....any idea why?
that was your penalty fee for voting for Hillary Clinton.