Hanging backpack at night


Dec 10, 2019
The last time I went bear hunting I put my Exo k4 in the vestibule of my tent and a dang mouse chewed up one of the straps that connect the frame to the bag. I have it in the shop getting fixed right now (part of the reason I went with a local company).
I have spent a lot of nights out and have never had this happen. I think I will most likely hang my pack in a tree from now on. If one of those little buggers chewed through the wrong strap it could mean heading back home early.
Mice are so annoying. I'm glad EXO is helping get it fixed.

A mouse chewed a hole in one of my tents, it's patched with duct tape now.

A determined critter could still get to a pack in a tree, but you'd probably make them work for it harder than in the vestibule. I mostly keep my pack, boots, etc in the vestibule. Most of the time my food and anything with scent is in a bear bag in a tree or in a bear canister.
The problem is you can’t protect everything. This happened during the day while I was out hunting, Western Mountaineering fixed my sleeping bag but it wasn’t free:

I have a two man tent and keep it inside with me. If it’s wet from snow or rain I hang it on a tree with a bow hook. I keep my boots in the vestibule but with shoe strings tucked inside. All my food and garbage is in 1 gallon seal bags. Is it 100% rodent proof no, but helps to deter them some.
If I go back to that same location I think I will bring some poison traps to leave in my vestibule. I am going to kill that mouse and his whole family for what he did!
I had a rodent eat the entire back out of my sun hoody last summer. I had it draped over a my camp chair inside of my shelter and it happened while I was sleeping.
We had fits with mice in Montana this last year. ****** was crawling into the bed of my pickup each night, even though the tailgate was up and I have a topper. From now on I'm carrying poison and if there's an issue drop a couple kernels.