Hand Me Down Elk Spot

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Oct 9, 2016
There is something fishy about this thread. First the OP says he wants to give it up and there's no big bulls. Then there's a herd bull with an 8" track bugling away and he's had 100% success in the spot.

I'm not really sure what the truth is other than the OP likes drawing attention online.

Actually I said no big bulls spotted. Might have seen a 290ish bull and several 250ish. Most here are saying don't give the spot up so that is what I will go with unless I get a trade spots offer. My plan for next year is to try this spot again and try to see a herd bull and get a quick recurve kill and head to Idaho for a second kill. With 2 bulls in the freezer I will be able to skip a year and hunt sheep and possibly mountain lion. I'm still evolving as an elk hunter with gear and should be able to do some spike camping which will increase my odds substantially.

I really thought this would have been a great start for a first time flatlander elk hunter and nothing negative about it...can't control what others think.


May 2, 2013
Northern NV
I'm pretty sure 100% in 2 years is 1000% success (but it might just be 10,000%) - 200% would be for 2 trips in a single year. Math gets a lot less intuitive once you start mixing multiple years and multiple trips per year.

Dammit Common Core math! I curse your name!
Jun 6, 2013
If memory serves me correct you had some very nice people on another site put you on that area a couple years ago. They just about put a pin on the place to go and told you spots to camp.
They went above and beyond in helping you and got no thanks from you at all just you telling them you could have done it anyway.
You are just a real classy guy aren't you.

Yep. And now that information is being bandied about freely. Gotta hope Mr Idaho is taking that into consideration as he shares any scouting and insight with Steve.


Feb 8, 2014
People who want to get away from the crowds need to study people and there is no better place than these forums. How many times do you reads someones plan of packing 6 miles deep. I don't know what it is about the magic 6 miles but I bet it's crowded in there. The backside is another hotspot as is property lines.

I'll bet anything you'll walk right by at least 5 of my spots.

Matt Cashell

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Western MT
Aside from the horn-tootin' and hot air, this thread has made for some interesting conversation.

Here is my take:

Don't give up your spots whether you are going to hunt them or not. The OP is the biggest example of why not to.

He took information from somebody else and used it to his advantage. Now he is using that information to leverage into additional information from someone else, or worse yet, make money off of it (...gag...). This is a cycle that can ruin all sorts of areas.

I have been burned in a similar fashion more than once, so I generally keep my spots to myself and my hunting partners.

My son did get his first elk in one of my spots this year, and I was happy to hand that one down. I don't think I'll charge him for it though.

under h2o hunter

Dec 21, 2014
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
I am still waiting on the OP to answer my genuine question.... Where are the pictures? After reading more of the OP responses and banter I did a little fishing around... Found the OP has done this very same thing on other forums and has been kicked off of them... If it smells like $hit and acts like $hit. Its a safe bet that its probably $hit...

Sad day when people need to get their self worth or what not from trolling online and trying to be something they are not... But hey its the internet and if the OP wants to proclaim his mighty prowess and having some ability to out smart others then lets oblige him by not giving him the time of day.

To the OP I hope that you find peace in your life someday and can become the man you have tried to portrayed online... As far as your "HOT SPOT" Remember that if its public ground its not secret spot, if its a spot that someone gifted to you then have honor by not giving it away to someone else...


Feb 25, 2012
N.E Oregon
I am still waiting on the OP to answer my genuine question.... Where are the pictures? After reading more of the OP responses and banter I did a little fishing around... Found the OP has done this very same thing on other forums and has been kicked off of them... If it smells like $hit and acts like $hit. Its a safe bet that its probably $hit...

Sad day when people need to get their self worth or what not from trolling online and trying to be something they are not... But hey its the internet and if the OP wants to proclaim his mighty prowess and having some ability to out smart others then lets oblige him by not giving him the time of day.

To the OP I hope that you find peace in your life someday and can become the man you have tried to portrayed online... As far as your "HOT SPOT" Remember that if its public ground its not secret spot, if its a spot that someone gifted to you then have honor by not giving it away to someone else...

A search on bowsite reveals some interesting stuff!
Oct 9, 2016
I got a couple pics but don't know how to post them. I will figure it out when it hinges slow down. Got the wt rut starting here and then have to make a blind for someone before turkey season. Might be summer before I figure it out right now my hair is on fire with everything going on.

I tel ya what's unfortunate is somebody is going to try elk solo next fall and not going to see or hear an elk. This would have been a good start for them. Not sure what the motive is but it is a shame to discredit someone without using any facts.


May 2, 2013
Northern NV
I tel ya what's unfortunate is somebody is going to try elk solo next fall and not going to see or hear an elk. This would have been a good start for them. Not sure what the motive is but it is a shame to discredit someone without using any facts.

That could very well happen to seasoned hunters, not just a new elk hunter from out of state. Not likely, but possible. Elk are even more predictable than people. Add that to your book of secrets.

Also, from your description there are far better places on the map for someone to hunt elk. If a guy goes into elk country and puts in the work, he's going to find elk. The tiny little blip on the map you're trying to bargain with doesn't sound like it's worth the time to even hunt.

Typically I don't join in on threads that are essentially a beat down on an individual. For whatever reason, I couldn't help myself this time. My motivation isn't to discredit you, you're doing a fine job of that all by yourself. You don't need any help with that.

My motivation is simple; you're most likely hunting someone else's spot and you're trying to leverage it for a better spot. You're not trying to help anyone new to elk hunting, you're trying to help yourself. It's not necessary to do that. Put in the time and you'll improve if you're actually willing to listen to those that have tried to help you. To that end, my motivation is to help you understand that you're not giving away your spot, you're giving away someone else's spot.

I can guarantee you that if you were even remotely humble and not so arrogant and self serving, you would have at least 20 people on this website offering to take you elk hunting that could put you on a 300 class bull every day for as long as you wanted to hunt. I can also guarantee you that since you're what I would refer to as a "spot burner" you'll most likely never be invited on an elk hunt by anyone here.

With that said, I'm going to step away from this thread. I'll also do my best to stay out of your future threads. Good luck on your future hunts.

Logan T

Feb 17, 2013
I got a couple pics but don't know how to post them. I will figure it out when it hinges slow down. Got the wt rut starting here and then have to make a blind for someone before turkey season. Might be summer before I figure it out right now my hair is on fire with everything going on.

I tel ya what's unfortunate is somebody is going to try elk solo next fall and not going to see or hear an elk. This would have been a good start for them. Not sure what the motive is but it is a shame to discredit someone without using any facts.

It's pretty simple..... only probably about 20 threads with questions on how to post pics..... that lead to a sticky thread on how to do this..... there's even a whole thread with 3,000 plus posts dedicated to pics.

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Oct 9, 2016
Over 100 archery turkey self filmed, many in the south where its the hardest to accomplish. Proud of that accomplishment. Had fun trying my hand at editing...all the footage plus some well acted out b roll, plus some shock factor stuff too. It's a success when nobody complains about the editing or acting... only comment on the content. Golden Moose award is one of my goals along with 300 bowkilled spring gobblers. Closing in on 250 and should get there. Close to 400 deer with a bow too, but not focused on them as much since getting into the elk game. They are so much fun...just like turkey. Hopefully can video them one day.

I'm really not sure how the psychology majors on here figured out that I was trading up for a better area because that wasn't even mentioned as an option in the beginning. Someone else thought of that and pm me with an offer. My spot as a starter spot for him in Montana, his spot for a backup location in case my Idaho spot gets burned out. Win win for both of us.

As far as posting pics i read some of the tips and tried to start a photobucket account but can't figure out how to put my pics in the bucket. Going to definitely have to figure that out before arrowing my Montana unlimited sheep which I should begin to try in a couple years. Currently getting into the best shape since elk hunting... I want to be able to eat those mountain, go deeper and pack out a big one.
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