I hunted with them all year. They performed as advertised. 2 bucks and 2 elk. Their BC is trash, but they are accurate and easy to develop a load for. I also killed quite a few animals with the ELD-X and Bergers. The hype train is a bit excessive, and I've honestly contributed to it as well lol. I'll keep shooting them sporadically, but their low BC does not make them a true long range bullet IMO. The biggest cartridges in each caliber, 6.5mm, 7mm, .30 cal can shoot the larger hammers with killing velocities out to 1000 yards. But most cartridges can't.
But I can guarantee they aren't a shit bullet though. They have their place for sure. I would absolutely take certain shots with a hammer that I would not take with a berger. And I love bergers. I would take a berger or hammer on a once in a lifetime hunt without question. These were all hammer kills this year. The only non exit was on the bigger bull elk at 390 yards. Bullet was stuck in the rear hip after a lot of penetration. That's the only shank that I've recovered, and you can see that it performed as stated. I actually kill with shit before making bold statements lol. Hammers kill, but I'm torn if I would use them out to 1000 yards due to their low BC. Just my thoughts.
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