Sierra Game King Bullets

Been a while since I spoke to Sierra regarding this and it was for the 7mm gamekings but the general minimum they recommended was 1600-1800fps depending on exactly which gameking.
Thanks, I'm planning to give Sierra a call myself this week.
That's the one I'm interested in, the TGK (game changer), for my 280ai. I just done see a lot of real world informing how they perform. They're supposed to be pretty tough bullets.
They performed great for me out of 2 different rifles/calibers. This is the 165 TGK out of my 284 Win, shots were 300 and 100 yards on this bull, both fragmented well and full pass through with just the base trapped on the offside hide. This is exit side after removing front shoulder.
I have experience with the .224 55gr gameking and the .277 130gr gameking on deer.
They’re generally very accurate bullets and they perform very well.
Thanks for all of the responses!

I've seen a few folks mention "inside of 300 yds" and I noticed that Sierra's website also mentioned inside of 300 yards.

I would imagine that this should be more of a velocity marker than a yardage marker. Is 1200fps to slow for this bullet? I didn't see anything on there website about minimum velocity, but as a spitter style bullet, I was thinking that min velocity should be in the 1200-1500fps range.
In general...I'll say general....bullets of that type are 1800-1900fps on expansion IN GEL. More than likely you will get expansion a bit below that but "reliable" would be the operating word. Very few if any bullet in the big game/medium game category will reliably open or would be recommended by the manufacturer below 1600 and even fewer the slower you get. AGAIN FOR ALL THE "WHAT ABOUT" and "ONE TIME" or "WELL X BULLET" GENERAL.

Style of bullet has little to do with it. Construction of the bullet is the key. Thin jacket soft lead general open faster more "explosive". Heavy jacket harder lead...less or harder to expand. Bonded also doesn't mean higher opening velocities or less expansion. They can open really low velocity but retain weight and open really wide. again, depending on construction. Tipped, Flat base, boat tail, soft point, hollow point. The physical construction will be engineered to perform with intent.
I used the Sierra Pro Hunter bullet - flat base. Game King has tapered base.

The PH shoots tight and drops whatever i shoot. Been real happy with it to 350 yards. Have not shot further, ever.

Picture is 250 yd bang-flop. That's the exit hole.
That’s been my preferred bullet in many cartridges for years and years.

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I would note that if using the Sierra manual you may find different BC's than listed on their web site. My manual was printed in the 70's
and lists to 160 spitzer boat taiI 20% too high. I talked to a Sierra tech today and he told me my manual is incorect and the web site numbers are correct. Old numbers were measured in California before they move and their calculations were in error.
Gamekings have significantly thicker jackets compared to motlst other common cup and core bullets (eldx, eldm, bergers, etc.) There was a thread somewhere with images of a bunch of different bullets cut in half and showed this well.

I have used them on whitetails a lot from a 308 and 7rm. I don't recall the last time one did not exit, also was pretty easy to find an accurate load with them. In my experience they are pretty tolerant at various seating depths. Give them a try
Game Kings are a classic but even better are the Nosler Partitions ....

When all else fails ....Randy Selby is the guy ....

Love me some Randy !!

Sierra just makes great bullets, period. I shoot steel and SMKs are my preferred bullet in factory loads in both .223 and 6.5 CM.
I use Sierra part number 2125 in my 308. Probably taking 12,000 lb of deer with it, and lost ONE.

I would use the 165 and a 308 on elk. Keep the velocity down to minimize the risk of fragmentation at short range. On deer the 2125 is ideal and you can push it as hard as you want to.

I've had one fragmentation. My 5 yard shot straight down into the spine did not exit. But everything was Jello. All the others have either exited or been collected intact.

I agree with the other dude who posted partitions are best. If your rifle shoots adequately with them, use them on elk and never look back. There might be prettier bullets. There might be more accurate bullets. But there's not a more consistent performing bullet out there in my opinion than the partition over a wide range of velocities. They'll open up with a rabbit. It opens up quick at 1600 ft per second, and stage together at 3,000. Monos will pencil through if they're not going fast enough. Partitions won't.
Its been a while since I have taken my 7RM for a walk but I shoot the 175 SGK SPBT out of it.They are accurate and lethal. My only dislike is the amount of blood shot meat. From whitetail to elk they have done their job . If you hunt in thick cover and like giant blood trails that Hellen Keller could follow the SGK may very well suit you. Honestly, I really can't say that I have had to much difficulty putting stuff on the ground with an array of projectiles from the SGK, NP, NBT, TTSX, TSX as long as I do my part and put it where it needs to go. Most of my bolts are running the ttsx these days. Always two holes and stuff falls over . I'm get more excited hunting close to the game rather than shooting long.
The Sierra Gameking is a cup & core bullet and that type of bullet has been reliably taking game for 150 years! From your velocity, I assume you're asking about 165 gr bullets! If I were hunting elk with a .308 Winchester, I'd rather use 180 gr bullets!
I know they aren't bonded like n accubond, but I've seen a couple references to them being that tough

My gunsmith loads them in everything 7mm he works up loads for. Loves them.
There is a picture on here somewhere of the 130gr TGK that has been sectioned. The jacket is much thicker than the original SGK and it looks to be a different material.
There is a picture on here somewhere of the 130gr TGK that has been sectioned. The jacket is much thicker than the original SGK and it looks to be a different material.
It was on LRH and these are the 160 TMK and the 165 TGK.TGK and TMK.png
I'm shooting 140gr soft tip GameKings out of my 7mm-08 and am very happy with them. Took a ~152lb whitetail a couple of weeks ago. Quartered away, no exit but by the angle it probably hit the inside of his opposite shoulder. He dropped like a sack of potatoes at 100 yards which going off my ballistics puts the bullet at about 2500fps at impact.
Killed 2 mule deer bucks with 6.5cm using 130 TGK. One at 396 yards, next one at 170 yards or so. Both died within 5 yards of where they stood. Full exits. Destruction inside the vitals. Also dome clapped a 175lb boar between the running lights with one at 50 yards, lights when off immediately

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I shot spbt game kings (7mm, 175 gr) for 25 years with great success but in the 90s. I found they started breaking up. I changed to Hornady Interloc round nose until they quit making them.

Now I am at the decision point of going back to gamekings or trying spire point interlocs. A tough decision after 25 years. I haven't seen a game king sp for sale in a number of years.