Hairy Meat

I've been using a paper towel to get hairs off the meat while processing.

If you are getting a lot of hair on the meat, slow down and wipe your hands off while quartering and such.
I’ve always have taken my time butchering whitetails, picking the hair off throughout the process. I usually wipe the hair off on my pants leg in the skinning shed, and a paper towel when I’m cutting steaks and roasts. I think the most critical part is to have a cold beer cracked in the process. I enjoy venison but picking hair off the meat at times can be unnerving when you keep finding more. Finding a balance of enough cold beer to butcher patiently yet not cut your finger tip off is paramount!
I'm somewhat amazed that so many guys torch their meat! Here's a few tips for preventing hair from getting on meat. When skinning your game make sure to cut with the grain of the hair. This will prevent cutting hair and getting hair on your meat! As you are skinning pull and drop the hair side of the meat away from the meat so the hair stays completely away from exposed meat.

Once meat is aged there is a thin layer of dried out meat that surrounds the outside of each meat chunk. I am super careful when skinning my game so there is little hair on the meat to begin with? I process my own meat and the few hairs that remains on the outside layer of dry meat is trimmed off as I go. The few remaining hairs come off with the dried outer layer of meat.

I cape many of the animals I harvest. The name of the game when caping is to keep all hair on the skin. Keep this same thing in mind when skinning! With a little practice it's possible to skin and have no hair on the meat!

My vote goes for.... need to torch meat!!!!
Looking for suggestions how to get rid of the hair on the meat when processing my game. I take care in the field while skinning and deboning etc.. When I get home I spend countless hours removing hair from the meat. Anyone have a process that works for them?

I learned this from an old timer a few years ago. You can cut out the tongue of the animal and use it to pick hair off the meat. I haven't tried it with deer but it works great with moose elk and beef
Of course the easiest way is to not get hair on the meat in the 1st place. But sometimes things happen. The little green scouring pads for dish washing work wonders. I was shown this last year by my cousin and I'm sold, it works great. It's almost like a magnet the way the hair is trapped by the fibers on the pads as you scrub back and forth.
I cut game meat professionally every fall we always use a weed burner torch to go over the whole hanging carcass fast clean

Yea, it’s really quick and easy. Some here say they don’t get hair on the meat, bull sheet. You can try as hard as you can and your going to have a few. Most you don’t see until your cutting into smaller cuts. But a really quick pass over it while it’s hanging does wonders to keep from “ picking” at them while processing them.
I use a 3M Scotch Brite scouring pad.
I'll have to try that and perhaps the cheesecloth idea floated further up. I find it is MUCH easier to get the hair off right before it is put in the game bag compared to when you process. I've used a combo of scraping with a knife and paper towels but these other ideas are probably better.