colorado elk units for 0-1 points


Jan 25, 2025
I'm looking at possibly doing a last minute elk hunt to Colorado this fall. I have points in other states but only have 1 in Colorado. Would anyone be willing to share some units that would be decent to start looking at for that few of points? I'm not looking for anyone's spot, just somewhere where I could go hunt and hopefully see some elk. it would be an early September archery hunt
You really shouldn't waste the one you have if you want to build for a future hunt. Buy an OTC for 2nd or 3rd season. Check the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website and look at the hunting statistics from previous years.
You really shouldn't waste the one you have if you want to build for a future hunt. Buy an OTC for 2nd or 3rd season. Check the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website and look at the hunting statistics from previous years.
my only time I can go with my work is early September. I've been building points in other states but figured I would do easy draw units in colorado about where a guy could find some useful information on what elk units can be drawn with minimal points...
Colorado Dept of wildlife publishes all the stats. Services like GoHunt and the like will help break it down if you want to pay. We look at the CO stats and find those units too. Also this is year one for no more OTC units for non residents. Most of those former OTC units could be drawn with no points. 1 would get you in for sure.
I'm looking at possibly doing a last minute elk hunt to Colorado this fall. I have points in other states but only have 1 in Colorado. Would anyone be willing to share some units that would be decent to start looking at for that few of points? I'm not looking for anyone's spot, just somewhere where I could go hunt and hopefully see some elk. it would be an early September archery hunt
Put in for a PP as your first choice then choose a few random units to apply for. There’s no more OTC archery units for non-residents so chances are you will draw a unit because they won’t take any points to get for a few years. Other then that look for left overs when they become available
You can probably draw a tag in most of the state, west of I-25. If you use a filter like GoHunt or TopRut/OnX, you will quickly see the tiers of points required to draw.

Anything that was OTC last year, or able to be drawn at 0-1 is definitely in play. The draw recaps linked above will show you what could be drawn as a second choice. Most of last year's OTC units are probably in reach as a second choice.

Pick an area you would be interested in and cross-reference against the recap.

There are areas that will be heavy timber or high alpine, sage brush winter range, pinyon-juniper, aspen, etcetera. They all have elk and they could be there at any time of the year.

It kind of depends what type of terrain you are looking for. A guy who wants to backpack might not want the same areas as a guy who wants to hunt out of a truck.

I would look for a region that gives you options.
The first rule about Rokslide club, is you don't talk about units:)

Good Luck though...CO DOW site has all the info you need in the Drawn Out report.
I'm looking at possibly doing a last minute elk hunt to Colorado this fall. I have points in other states but only have 1 in Colorado. Would anyone be willing to share some units that would be decent to start looking at for that few of points? I'm not looking for anyone's spot, just somewhere where I could go hunt and hopefully see some elk. it would be an early September archery hunt
Like others have stated first review CPW's 2024 Drawn Out Report. That'll get you on your way. You need to do your own research and not rely on someone else throwing you a bone. It's your hunt, you gotta it own. Go get 'em brother in 2025!