Gunslinger or gunbearer

I've used both the gunslinger and gunbearer and like the gunslinger more, but everyone is different and I a couple guys I hunt with really like them, I just couldn't get used to them so the gunslinger for me. Though I recently modified 6 of them to have a quick release buckle instead of a button snap to keep them more secure in the alders...wish they came that way so I wouldn't have to do that but is many things I use that have to be modified some to better fit my uses.
Luke, did you place the female end of the buckle where the snap is attached to the plastic portion of the gunslinger? Or did you use some addtional webbing, so that the buckles attached on the outside of the rifle stock? Better yet, you wouldn't happen to have a couple pictures of the mod, would you?
Luke, did you place the female end of the buckle where the snap is attached to the plastic portion of the gunslinger? Or did you use some addtional webbing, so that the buckles attached on the outside of the rifle stock? Better yet, you wouldn't happen to have a couple pictures of the mod, would you?

When my wife gets home with her fancy smart phone I cell phone doesn't take pics and barely texts....
Here ya go...never said it was purdy, but much better than the simple snap that they come with...but its effective. Like most things I use in the field they have to be slightly curtailed to suit my needs...this is no exception.

I'm sure many on here more talented mechanically and what not could come up with a much more athestically pleasing mod...but you get what you paid for this pics. :D


I made something gunslinger-esque out of some spare strapping and buckles I had laying around and it only cost me about 15 mins... Holds the rifle very securely to the side of the pack.

What I like about it so far is that I can move it anywhere on my pack that has a loop or webbing, both vertically and horizontally. I just made this a couple weeks ago after seeing some of the Luke and Becca's photos and am going to set up the zip tie deal for the top this week hopefully. It holds my heaviest rifle with no problems (just under 10 lbs all up).
I can see the pics. Looks like a great mod. I may have to do the same thing to mine.

I just put it back up. Let me know if you have any questions. It was pretty darn easy. It is not a "quick draw" or anything like that, but when I am in hike mode I don't really need it to be.