Grizzly encounters in the unlimiteds

It's happened a few times for me, had a young griz crawl on his belly to within 5 yards of me when I was sitting and spotting on the edge of a stand of white barks at 10k, whipped around when he snapped a branch and sprayed him in the face. Never saw him again.
Had one bluff charge when hiking up to the ridge in the early morning, but wheeled off at about 10 yards. Luckily just a boar. I've had a few come roam through camp, but always kept camp immaculate so no issues. There are a lot over there, and the lack of hazing in the fields where they graze caraway really keeps a ton of them in the surrounding areas, along with plenty of good timber habitat.
I hunted sheep in the Unlimiteds most years in the '80s and several years in the '90s, along with hunting elk and moose in those same units most years in the '80 and '90s.

The only grizzly that I encountered in all of those years was a year that we were camped at the end of a road near West Yellowstone, and we had the quarters of 2 elk and a moose in the stock rack in the back of my truck. A grizzly came into our camp one night and we later found out that he had been a problem bear near Cooke City and had been trapped and re-located near where we were camped.

He ran away after I threw and hit him with a rock.
It's happened a few times for me, had a young griz crawl on his belly to within 5 yards of me when I was sitting and spotting on the edge of a stand of white barks at 10k, whipped around when he snapped a branch and sprayed him in the face. Never saw him again.
Had one bluff charge when hiking up to the ridge in the early morning, but wheeled off at about 10 yards. Luckily just a boar. I've had a few come roam through camp, but always kept camp immaculate so no issues. There are a lot over there, and the lack of hazing in the fields where they graze caraway really keeps a ton of them in the surrounding areas, along with plenty of good timber habitat.
Did you pack a bear fence? It sounds like a clean camp is the best way to not become a grizz burrito.
I’ve spent about 40 days in unit 500. I’ve seen a few, closest was about 100 yards. Tons of bear sign, but they aren’t behind every tree. Keep camp clean, be alert and you’ll be fine.

Sean, the former sheep biologist for MT FWP (not sure what his official title was, really good guy by the way) told me that during September the sows and cubs are down low trying to catch fish, while the boars are typically up higher eating pine nuts. I would say my observations match that.
Did you pack a bear fence? It sounds like a clean camp is the best way to not become a grizz burrito.
I've packed one on occasion, it definitely helps with peace of mind if you're like me and every sound at night wakes me up. In general, the bears are just looking for an easy snack without expending too much effort.

Like USMC said, they aren't behind every tree but if you spend enough time out there (which you have to in the unlimiteds to be successful) you'll have encounters at some point. Just comes down to being prepared and accepting that you may have an encounter rather than hoping you won't.
Have had them come through camp.
Have seen them across the way.
Have had them on the same ridge.
Have walked up and down the same trails as them.
Have found their rub trees.
And their poo.
Haven't had any problems, but they're there and it's good to keep that in the back of your mind.

If you elk hunt the Madison's or Gallatin's its no different.
Hunted in one of the unlimiteds in 22. Bear sign and trails everywhere we went. We actually ended up using bear trails for travel some of the time. I wake up most nights in the middle of the night, the one night I wake up and feel complete serenity peace on earth, I pass back out. We wake up to leave early for our glassing knob, fresh grizz shit from the night prior 20 yards from camp. Strange how that works.

To be fair we camped on the edge of a game trail though against some Talus field. So a perfect travelled edge.

The more ya know.

Near cooke city ish, week 2 we went after elk once the sheep unit closed. Even more grizz sign around there lol
Sow and cub tracks at any water hole we found.

Honestly, It was just what we had been lookin for, little more to pay attention to on a hunt. Added flavor to the experience. Best hunt I have ever been on by far.